Jeymes Samuel Shares Insights into His Friendship and Collaborative Partnership with Jay-Z | Billboard News – Video

Jeymes Samuel Shares Insights into His Friendship and Collaborative Partnership with Jay-Z | Billboard News – Video

Jeymes Samuel Opens Up About His Friendship & Working Relationship With Jay-Z | Billboard News

In a recent interview with Billboard, Jeymes Samuel opened up about his close friendship and working relationship with Jay-Z. The two creatives are in constant communication, speaking every single day, multiple times a day. According to Samuel, they don’t just create together, they create from morning to evening.

Their collaboration, which has resulted in works such as “The Harder They Fall” and “The Book of Clarence,” is marked by laughter, fun, and natural creativity. Samuel describes the process as organic, with Classics seemingly appearing “out of nowhere.”

He remarks that the collaboration feels natural, with their creative partnership blurring the lines between when it begins and when it ends. Both Jay-Z and Samuel are described as “floor to ceiling” creatives, constantly bouncing ideas off each other and producing timeless works.

The level of camaraderie and mutual respect between the two artists is clearly evident in Samuel’s words, highlighting a deep and enduring friendship that lies at the heart of their creative partnership. As they continue to work together, it’s clear that their collaboration will continue to produce groundbreaking and influential pieces of work.

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Jay-Z we speak every single day like literally every single day multiple times um a day so it’s not like we create together it’s that he’s a floor to the ceiling creative and I’m a Flor to the ceiling creative we are creating from morning to evening so what happens

We just have these conversations laugh our heads off and have mad fun and then at the end of it these Classics are in front of us the harder they fall out how did that get there the book of Clarence how did that get there but we’re always um collaborating I honestly don’t know

When it begins and when it ends because we’re just natural-born creatives

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Video “Jeymes Samuel Opens Up About His Friendship & Working Relationship With Jay-Z | Billboard News” was uploaded on 01/12/2024 to Youtube Channel Billboard