In the heart of the Vietnam War, American forces are not just fighting battles—they are engaged in a revolutionary effort to build a nation.
While war rages in the jungles and rivers of South Vietnam, another struggle unfolds: the fight to win hearts and minds.
From patrolling the Mekong Delta to aiding war-torn villages, U.S. troops, revolutionary development cadres, and allies attempt to reshape Vietnam’s future.
Amidst ambushes, propaganda, and unrelenting combat, the dream of a free, independent Vietnam hangs in the balance.
But as bullets fly and nations clash, the ultimate question remains: can war ever truly build peace?
Original Title : Battlezone
Narrated by Jack Webb
Series : The Vietnam War Part 1
Episode 2
Watch the video by Best Documentary
Video “John Wayne Joins the Fight for Vietnam” was uploaded on 02/18/2025 to Youtube Channel Best Documentary
Für Vietnam😂
1946 hatt das gerade "befreite" Frankreich das damalige Indochina überfallen.
Mit Hilfe der USA
Stand with South Vietnam
My Heavy Armored CAV unit has pictures of John Wayne in one of our M113s. from back in the day. My first TC was a Vietnam Vet that explained reality to me about warfare.
Les ravages commis par les USA au Vietnam n'ont pas d'équivalent.
what a joke from mr guilty who didnt serve in ww2
John Wayne is a War Criminal
Propaganda tool by the usual suspects.
1933 wir sind Vize Weltmeister geworden …nächste mal klappt es bestimmt besser …Satire
What year was this made?
😂😂😂😂 omg
Estamos con el hasta vénser o morir. Por Vietnam. 😮😢
Draft dodger
WARmerica keeps losing wars. karma
John Wayne the duke
Freemasoinc/ CIA propaganda was and is ridiculous
They should be ashamed of themselves
John Wayne the social justice warrior 😂😂😂
They REALLY tried to convince Americans to support this war!
U.s.a problema del mondo quando l capirete sarà troppo tardi 😢😢…ma nn riuscite a farvi i fatti vostri e stare a casa vostra brutti imperialisti del caxxo😡😡😡
Consistent considering how much JW loved Hitler.
Charlas de la propaganda de los gringos derrotados en el campo de batalla, despuès haber bombardeado a los civiles vietnamitas del norte.
hahahhaha the filth didn't fight himself
Ha. The challenge was there was no combined people in the south that were unified for any common goal. Sadly, It was true at the start and at the end.
A few celebrities visited vietnam to boost morale
Elvis an ex soldier never went
Parker controlled him too much even ann margret went
There with bob hope!
It was a gung ho war at the time then the mood changed
After the tet offensive and
My lai
The american 1776 revolution
It was a waste of time the poor soldiers paid a heavy price and the fuckin politicians in the white house are dancing and drinking in the bars daily and making fun of the poor familes who sent their loved ones to fight for (American democracy)
John Wayne: “Whyte Amerikkka’s main champion”. This man could’ve been elected president if he wanted to, that’s how big and famous he was.
"Americans can go to the Moon and return safely. As for Vietnam, we're not sure!" – Madam Bình
John Wayne was a Draft Dodger and was booed off the stages during tours with the USO during WWII !!
A pretty confused motivational speech, and John Wayne looks as if he himself doesn’t believe what he says
At least back then the US used to lose the wars after having fought them. Now in Ukraine they are letting down a brave Nation fighting for its freedom without even daring to put an american boot on the ground
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