At the G7 summit in La Malbaie, Que., Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly made a staunch declaration in response to U.S. President Donald Trump’s threats to Canadian sovereignty. Joly emphasized that the issue was “not up to debate, period,” asserting Canada’s independence and autonomy. Despite some European counterparts initially dismissing Trump’s remarks as humorous, Joly highlighted the anxiety felt by Canadians and their pride in their sovereign nation. She underscored the seriousness of the situation in her discussions with U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio. Canada’s sovereignty is a matter that is non-negotiable and fundamental to the country’s identity as a sovereign nation.
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Video “Canada's sovereignty “not up to debate,” Joly says on Trump threats” was uploaded on 03/14/2025 to Youtube Channel Global News
Ive really come to respect and rely on her presence in the room.
Trump has no interest in debating Canada's sovereignty – he will simply abolish Canada's sovereignty. Canada doesn't have that much leverage.
Ms Joly, you need to be more pungent, for Rubio and Trump being nice is a sign of weakness. Time for doing….then thrash talk….. you are dealing with lowest form human decency with Trump and Rubio.
Ironic coming from the party that sold us out to the Communist Chinese amd drug cartels
Call an election.
She's amazing. Marco Rubio is crazy. Sould his soul
He pulling this S..t off, the more he says it the more people get used to it, a FORM OF BRAINWASHING, JUST LIKE HE DID WITH MAGATS!!! Plug yours ears and sing O CANADA , WE STAND ON GUARD FOR THEE!!❤❤❤❤❤
The Boomer Vibes in the comment are telling.
Canada tariff US goods right? so why is it bad when Trump did the same?
Only referendum can solve this problem!!!!!
Full of herself, no room for Canadians.
Hey English is very good but can't use it back home
Make no mistake about it: Dehumanizing Canada and making us a desired object is a PRECLUSION TO WAR! Trump saying that Canada has ripped off the U.S is a way of saying that we are criminals, like the criminal that Trump is! Calling Canada criminal is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! It means that Canada is being placed into propaganda that is the moral grounds for the U.S to attack Canada! This is obviously TOTALLY unacceptable, and I can't believe that our government has allowed it for so long! I would have gone completely ballistic if anyone called me a criminal! It's known in criminal forensics that when the police accuse a person of doing something criminal, the truly innocent person becomes extremely angry, whereas the guilty mind doesn't get upset, but merely argues.
Maximum pressure on the US won't make a difference. If that's your only strategy, Canada is in big trouble.
"Installed" not elected. Call an election.
Thx for spreading fear and uncertainty Melanie. We appreciate it.
Why don't you and your colleagues get this taken care of ? Why has this not been dealt with ? Why so inept?
And what's with the counter tarrifs? Counter tarrifs make things more expensive for us than they already are.
Stop telling us how dire things are, and go do something about it. Do it now civil servant.
Mark Rubio should have been escorted out of Canada the moment he said what he did. 😡🇨🇦💪
Alberta is leaving
That's not up to You
It's up to the Canadian people
I absolutely adore this lady!
Elbows up 💥💪
Canada gets all of the benefits of U.S. military might without expense to itself.
Liberals are just so weak they got no power
We cannot trust America anymore and thanks to the Orange man from the South, he has broken all bridges.
Very bad speaker 😮
Not up for debate means you don't believe in democracy, have a referendum and let the people decide
Stop 🛑 talking just start looking for a new job M.Joly.😆
She does not know anything about Canada as a country,if she did she'd know Canada is not a soverign country and never was because it belongs to the USA.
My goodness. A lot of trolls in this comment section. Russians?
You don't have enough local Canadian. you can't defend your sovereignty
Just think if the First Nations people went and cut a deal with Trump that would leave Canada hanging by a thread you all forget this is all their land according to the treats sign by the queen of England we really do t have a say
Liberals have no Vision. No future for Canada.
Canada has no sovereignty! The country is too large, populous too small, military on life support through decades of underfunding, and re-armament to modern military equipment too expensive!
Canada’s sovereignty is a state of mind, with no basis in reality. Canadians protection and peace-of-mind is solely due to our proximity to Uncle Sam and their interests in keeping Canada safe.
She is a tiny bit more exciting than Trudeau. Who was boring to death! …
It is up to debate tho
I would like Mélanie Joly to be next Prime Minister of Canada. I love her.
Bravo, Madame Joly! Que Dieu vous benisse, protege et dirige – vous et votre nation et toutes les autres nations de la Terre!
I absolutely love the way you project Canadian's will ! Bravo Melanie, quelle classe vous avez dans la facon de presenter vos (nos) arguments en faveur du bon sens Americain et du bien-etre Canadien.
Canadians has to stop worrying about the U.S.
I think the US government is confused about the difference between genuine gratitude and groveling. They say they are asking for gratitude but what they really want is groveling.
Gratitude is a sincere appreciation for something, while groveling is behaving with excessive deference or servility, often to gain favor or avoid punishment.
Not happening! Elbows up! 🇨🇦
Well done, Mélanie Joly!! 👏👏👏 Elbows up 🇨🇦💪
no one cares when you import half of india and china LMAO
the liberal government ruined this country. left or right doesnt matter , canadians are sheep of the elites and 1 %
Only Joly and the Liberals can mess with Canada's sovereignty. Them and the WEF. And NATO. And the EU. I think thats everyone…
Remember Canadians, it is election season, so foreign influence has kicked into high gear on social media. So when you see "WEF" statements, know it is foreign influence. russia is 100% against the World Economic Forum as it wants to build its own counterweight system. So, russia has its cyber operators punting out regular anti-world economic forum commentary to attack the West.
Melanie Joly is intelligent, articulate, classy, gritty, knowledgeable, and beautiful. We are in good hands with Ms. Joly as our Foreign Minister.
She's a joke.
The Meeting was hosted in Quebec…..a so called “nation” on to itself……no Canada is not broken…..
She has impressed me lately