Artist Julie Mehretu discusses her role in Tacita Dean’s film “One Hundred and Fifty Years of Painting” (2021), which records a conversation between the 49-year-old artist and 99-year-old painter Luchita Hurtado about how to really capture a portrait of someone.
The film is on view as part of the International Center of Photography’s exhibition “Face to Face: Portraits of Artists by Tacita Dean, Brigitte Lacombe and Catherine Opie” through May 1, 2023. The show presents portraits of art world luminaries by three prominent portraitists.
Learn more about the exhibition here:
Watch other “Face to Face” interviews with Fran Lebowitz, Catherine Opie, and Helen Molesworth here:
#ARTnews #ICP #FacetoFace #JulieMehretu #TacitaDean #BrigitteLacombe #CatherineOpie
Video Julie Mehretu on How You Really Capture a Portrait in a Painting | ICP: Face to Face was uploaded on 04/03/2023 by ARTnews Youtube channel.