Jurors Unable to Reach Consensus in Karen Read Case: Split Decision on Alleged Murder of Cop Boyfriend

Jurors Unable to Reach Consensus in Karen Read Case: Split Decision on Alleged Murder of Cop Boyfriend

The highly publicized Karen Read case has come to an unexpected halt as the jury reached a deadlock, resulting in a mistrial. Karen Read was accused of murdering her Boston cop boyfriend in January 2022, but after seven days of deliberation, jurors were unable to come to a unanimous decision.

Judge Beverly Cannone made the call after receiving notes from the jury expressing their deeply-held convictions and starkly divided perspectives on the evidence presented in the case. Some jurors believed that the evidence was enough to establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, while others felt that it did not meet the necessary standard.

In the end, the foreman of the jury stated that continuing to deliberate would only force them to compromise their deeply held beliefs, leading Judge Cannone to declare a mistrial and thank the jurors for their service.

The Karen Read case has captured the attention of many, and the outcome of the mistrial leaves the community wondering what will happen next. For more on this case and other breaking news, visit the New York Post’s website and subscribe to their YouTube channel for the latest updates.

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Video “Karen Read case ends in mistrial: Jurors ‘starkly divided’ on whether she murdered cop boyfriend” was uploaded on 07/01/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post