In the action-packed thriller “Eye for an Eye,” audiences are taken on a heart-pounding journey with a disavowed CIA agent who finds herself on the run from mercenaries. The agent, played by Alex Sturman, is targeted by the mercenaries after they discover she possesses a missing memory card that contains information powerful enough to potentially ignite World War III.
As the agent navigates the dangerous world she now finds herself in, she must rely on her skills, wits, and allies to stay one step ahead of her pursuers. With intense action sequences and a gripping storyline, “Eye for an Eye” keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish.
Directed by Stephen Lambert and written by George Kaplan, the film boasts a talented cast that includes Clayton Haymes and David Chattam. The performances of the cast members enhance the suspenseful atmosphere of the movie, drawing viewers deeper into the high-stakes world of espionage and betrayal.
“Eye for an Eye” is a must-watch for fans of action-packed thrillers who enjoy a good dose of espionage and intrigue. With its fast-paced plot and skilled performances, this film delivers on all fronts and leaves audiences craving more.
Watch the video by Cinéfilm
Video “Eye for an Eye (Action, Thriller) Loyalty has to be for the right cause.” was uploaded on 09/10/2024 to Youtube Channel Cinéfilm
Pourquoi il ' n y a pas de traduction ???? J' abandonne.😡
Respect from Romania! 🇷🇴
Donc un film anglais avec un titre francais et pourquoi je ne peux pas mettre un dislike?
Super film
Nie lubie fimow z napisami ..,
Mn 26.Sara n'a pas trahi c toi qui as trahi ta race et tu veux devenir un blanc américain tu ne le seras jamais tout au plus tu ressembleras a cet oiseau du pôle nord :le manchot la majorité de ton corps restera moir
Film de merde usa 0/20 nul
İllegal = Shadow = Ghost…