Justin Timberlake Allegedly Consumed Vesper Martini Before DWI Arrest – Video

Justin Timberlake Allegedly Consumed Vesper Martini Before DWI Arrest – Video

Justin Timberlake’s recent DWI arrest has sparked speculation about what he had been drinking that night. According to reports, Timberlake claimed to have only consumed one drink before getting behind the wheel. That drink was reportedly a Vesper Martini, a cocktail known for its high alcohol content.

The Vesper Martini, made famous by James Bond author Ian Fleming in his novel “Casino Royale,” is not your typical martini. While a traditional martini contains around two and a half ounces of alcohol, the Vesper Martini packs a punch with over four ounces of alcohol. With a price tag of $21, this cocktail is not only strong but also quite expensive.

Many are questioning Timberlake’s judgment in choosing such a potent drink before driving, especially given the legal limit for blood alcohol content. Regardless of his intentions, Timberlake’s decision to drink and drive serves as a reminder of the dangers of impaired driving.

Stay tuned as more details emerge about Timberlake’s night out and the consequences of his actions. In the meantime, let this be a lesson to always drink responsibly and never get behind the wheel if you’ve been drinking.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “Justin Timberlake Reportedly Had Vesper Martini Before DWI” was uploaded on 06/21/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition