Kailyn Lowry, known for her appearances on the reality TV show ‘Teen Mom,’ has recently undergone breast reduction surgery. The mother of seven took to Instagram to share a selfie just four days post-procedure, showing off her supportive bra and throwing up the peace sign. Lowry has always been open about her struggles with body image and has been vocal about her desire to have the surgery for quite some time. Fans have been supportive of her decision, applauding her for taking control of her body and doing what makes her feel comfortable and confident. This latest update from Lowry has sparked discussions about body positivity and self-care, with many praising the star for being unapologetically herself.
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Video “‘Teen Mom’ Alum Kailyn Lowry Undergoes Breast Reduction Surgery After Welcoming 7 Kids” was uploaded on 12/29/2024 to Youtube Channel E! News
Wishing her a speedy recovery
The last time I even heard about her, she had 2 kids.
Okay? This is news??
She has 7 kids now????? 4 baby fathers???
Buttt sluittt
Nothing like a teen mom
And your mom embracing it like its normal