Kamala Harris highlights abortion rights in Arizona on Dobbs anniversary

Kamala Harris highlights abortion rights in Arizona on Dobbs anniversary

Vice President Kamala Harris recently campaigned in Arizona, emphasizing the importance of re-electing President Biden to secure women’s reproductive rights. At a campaign event in Phoenix, Harris pledged that Biden would sign legislation supporting access to abortions nationally, highlighting the difference between Biden and former President Donald Trump on this issue.

Harris stressed that Americans do not have to compromise their beliefs to support a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body. She expressed trust in women to know what is best for themselves and their health.

NY Post reporter Cameron Arcand shares this story, capturing the essence of Harris’s message to the Arizona crowd. To read more about Harris’s rally in Arizona, visit the New York Post website.

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Video “Kamala Harris campaigns on abortion rights in Arizona on Dobbs anniversary” was uploaded on 06/25/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post