Kenyan Journalists Rally Against Violations of Media Freedoms • FRANCE 24 English

Kenyan Journalists Rally Against Violations of Media Freedoms • FRANCE 24 English

Dozens of journalists in Kenya took to the streets on Wednesday to protest against what they see as a crackdown on media freedoms by the government. The journalists were joined by supporters as they marched through the streets, voicing their concerns over the heavy-handed tactics used by authorities to silence critical voices in the country.

Over the past five weeks, Kenya has been rocked by demonstrations against the government, with journalists often finding themselves caught in the crossfire. Reports have emerged of police attacking journalists while covering the protests, in a blatant attempt to intimidate and suppress their reporting.

The protests come at a time when press freedom in Kenya is facing increasing threats, with journalists facing harassment, intimidation, and even physical violence for doing their job. Many fear that these attacks on media freedoms are a dangerous trend that could have a devastating impact on democracy and transparency in the country.

Despite the challenges they face, journalists in Kenya are standing firm in their commitment to upholding the principles of a free and independent press. By taking to the streets in protest, they are sending a powerful message to the government that they will not be silenced or intimidated in their pursuit of truth and accountability.

The demonstrations serve as a reminder of the crucial role that journalists play in society, and the importance of defending their right to report without fear of reprisal. As the world watches, it is clear that the fight for press freedom in Kenya is far from over, and journalists are prepared to continue standing up for their rights.

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Video “Journalists in Kenya protest attacks on media freedoms • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 07/25/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English