Kev Adams in Super High: Full French Comedy-Action Film

Kev Adams in Super High: Full French Comedy-Action Film

“Kev Adams | Super High” is a French comedy-action film directed by Edouard Pluvieux, released in 2017. The story follows David, who finds himself heartbroken, alone, and lost in Los Angeles. In an attempt to lift his spirits, he indulges in some well-cultivated herb. However, when the police show up at the party, he discovers that this herb is not just any drug… it’s magical.

The film features a talented cast including Kev Adams, Sarah McDaniels, and DeStorm Power. With a mix of action and comedy, “Kev Adams | Super High” promises to deliver an entertaining and unique take on the classic stoner comedy genre.

For those who enjoy French cinema or are looking for a lighthearted and funny movie to watch, “Kev Adams | Super High” is a must-see. With subtitles available, viewers can fully immerse themselves in the hilarious and fantastical world created by Pluvieux and his team. So grab your popcorn, sit back, and get ready to embark on a wild and magical journey with David and his unconventional remedy for a broken heart.

Watch the video by Cinéma Cinémas

Video “Kev Adams | Super High (Comédie, Action) Film Complet français” was uploaded on 11/30/2024 to Youtube Channel Cinéma Cinémas