In a heated exchange in the Rajya Sabha, Leader of the Opposition Mallikarjun Kharge slammed the Union Budget as a “chair-saving” scheme orchestrated by the government. Kharge expressed his disappointment with the budget, accusing the ruling party of prioritizing their own political interests over the welfare of the people.
Kharge’s criticism sparked a confrontation with Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, who defended the budget and refuted Kharge’s claims. Sitharaman argued that the budget was carefully crafted to address the economic challenges facing the country and to stimulate growth and development.
The exchange between Kharge and Sitharaman became increasingly tense, leading to a walkout by members of the opposition. Despite the contentious nature of the debate, both leaders stood firm in their positions, with Kharge standing by his accusations and Sitharaman defending the government’s policies.
The clash between Kharge and Sitharaman highlights the deep divisions and disagreements that exist within the Indian political landscape. As debates over economic policy continue to unfold, it is clear that both sides remain steadfast in their beliefs and will continue to fiercely defend their positions.
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Video “Kharge Slams Budget as ‘Chair-Saving’ Scheme; Sitharaman Responds Amidst Walkout” was uploaded on 07/24/2024 to Youtube Channel The Free Press Journal
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