Knock on Any Door is a powerful courtroom drama starring the legendary Humphrey Bogart as idealistic lawyer Andrew Morton. The film follows Morton as he takes on the case of Nick Romano, a troubled young man from his old neighborhood who is facing charges of murdering a policeman.
Nick, the son of a man Morton unsuccessfully defended early in his career, finds himself caught up in a life of crime due to his harsh and deprived upbringing. As Morton passionately argues for Nick’s innocence, he also grapples with his own past and the complexities of seeking justice.
Directed by Nicholas Ray, Knock on Any Door is a gripping and emotional film that delves into the impact of poverty and upbringing on individuals’ paths in life. Alongside Bogart, the film stars John Derek as Nick Romano, as well as George Macready as the tough prosecutor standing in Morton’s way.
With stellar performances and a thought-provoking narrative, Knock on Any Door is a must-watch for fans of classic cinema and courtroom dramas. Don’t miss out on this riveting film that explores themes of justice, redemption, and the struggle to rise above one’s circumstances.
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Video “Knock on Any Door | FREE MOVIE (Humphrey Bogart, John Derek)” was uploaded on 01/21/2025 to Youtube Channel Stream City
if the hat doesn't fit you must acquit…. my goodness talk about badgering the witness…. no wonder we have a President convicted of 34 felonies and he released Jan 6th folks responsible for 6 deaths and they were police officers…. 2025 the world has changed.
john derek cant act ha ha ha
Why did she leave the job and home from her drunken aunt, always the scriptwriters thinking that one won't ask questions
I didn't like the lawyer's final speech the society is not guilty of the responsibility of that young man. That young man was advancing in delinquency because he was not severely punished in time. It is the judicial system that fails by being so permissive and favoring impunity. He start ribbering and rise up in his carreer be coning a nurdered
What in the mother truck kind of gibberish Italian does his mother be speaking ???!!!

I'm 25mins in seems great
Excellent performance by Bogart & John Derek.

Some of the same scene set-ups here Ray would later use in REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE, in particular the quieter gentle scenes between the youth and his girl. Lots of great character actors in small parts, sometimes uncredited – Chester Conklin, Dewey Martin, Sid Melton, Jimmy Conlin, Dorothy Vernon, George Chandler, and even Dooley Wilson at the piano in the background.
Please put the year with the titles
Ce post ne vaut rien la vidéo est constamment coupée par des pubs, et cela juste pour le profit. Très minable !!!!! Dommage car le film est bon…..
Thank you
Love these old flicks. Just take Bogart at face value. You ain’t lyin RRR yah
This movie would pass for woke today.
1:26:10 If the hat don't fit you must acquit.
There was a plethora of novels with this plot, from the 1930s on up thru the 1960s. I grew weary with this plot as I read dozens of novels and wondered why the repetitive plot never died. It exists because it is a question each generation seeks a blame for a cause and is never answered, because into each generation are born humans who are criminals. There is no cure nor remedy for this human behavior. Yet fools persist in beating this dead horse for money, power, or some petty aggrandization.
Has Bogaart ever been more convincing? Staggering, concentrated, and relentless. I do not know.
Soy un fanático del buen cine clásico con todo aquello que lo ha caracterizado, como son sus singulares tramas y actores icónicos en dar vida a la trama ahí expuesta. Especialmente las realizadas por el gran "Boguie" que no tienen desperdicio alguno, por su gran versatilidad tuvo este actor a lo largo de su carrera, son ahora testimonio de era dorada en siempre añorar.
Saludos y bendiciones a todos los cinéfilos de corazón desde Venezuela.
good film
My favorite actor, thank you Stream City!

Mercy. A career crook who showed no mercy to the cope he shot 4 times, no mercy to the people he robbed , no mercy to woman who him her all and to the lawyer who gave him every chance. This mirrors the foul up of an atheist society that believes in the goodness of human beings and blames the society that created him. Our jails are at breaking point . This punishment was just . Why did we ever let it go.
Thanks for this gem.
The Maltese Falcon is class

Now, that's a stupid movie.
Hard hitting script, great cinematography and direction by Nicolas Ray, no happy ending. I can see why Bogart wanted this for his production.
Casa Blanca
R.I.P. George Antheil Composer
What's your favorite Humphrey Bogart movie?