In a recent interview, Shiv Sena spokesperson Krishna Hegde discussed various controversial issues including the Shivaji Maharaj Statue Controversy and the Badlapur Sexual Assault Case. Hegde was candid in revealing that the files of the leaders are always open, indicating a transparency within the party.
During the discussion on the Shivaji Maharaj Statue Controversy, Hegde defended the party’s decision to install the statue in the Arabian Sea, stating that it was a symbol of honor and pride for the legendary Maratha warrior. He emphasized the importance of respecting historical figures like Shivaji Maharaj and preserving their legacy.
On the topic of the Badlapur Sexual Assault Case, Hegde expressed outrage and called for swift justice to be served to the perpetrators. He condemned all forms of violence against women and reiterated the party’s commitment to upholding the rights and safety of women in society.
Overall, Hegde’s interview shed light on the party’s stance on important societal issues and highlighted the importance of accountability and transparency within political leadership. His remarks serve as a reminder of the responsibilities that come with being a public servant and the need for leaders to always uphold the values and principles that they espouse.
Watch the video by The Free Press Journal
Video “Shiv Sena Spokesperson Reveals: Leaders Files Are Always Open | Krishna Hegde” was uploaded on 09/04/2024 to Youtube Channel The Free Press Journal
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