La relevancia de la interculturalidad en la era de la globalización | Daisy Nuñez del Prado | TEDxUAndina – Video

La relevancia de la interculturalidad en la era de la globalización | Daisy Nuñez del Prado | TEDxUAndina – Video

In her TEDx talk, Daisy Nuñez del Prado explores the importance of interculturality in a globalized world. She discusses the need for individuals to embrace diversity and respect different cultures in order to foster understanding and collaboration across borders. Nuñez del Prado emphasizes that in today’s interconnected world, it is crucial for people to have an open mind and appreciate the richness that comes from cultural diversity.

She also highlights the role of intercultural communication in breaking down barriers and building relationships with people from different backgrounds. By promoting interculturality, Nuñez del Prado believes that we can create a more inclusive and harmonious society where mutual respect and acceptance are the norm.

Overall, her talk serves as a reminder of the importance of embracing diversity and working towards a more interconnected world where cultural differences are celebrated and valued.

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Author Video Description

Daisy Núñez del Prado nos habló sobre la importancia de la interculturalidad en un mundo globalizado, enfatizando cómo el entendimiento y respeto por las diversas culturas son fundamentales para construir sociedades más inclusivas y colaborativas. Daisy Núñez del Prado es docente principal del Departamento de Humanidades y Educación en la Universidad Andina del Cusco. Ha ocupado el cargo de Vice Rectora Académica y trabaja como docente universitario, contribuyendo con su experiencia en el ámbito educativo. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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TEDx is an international community that organizes TED-style events anywhere and everywhere — celebrating locally-driven ideas and elevating them to a global stage. TEDx events are produced independently of TED conferences, each event curates speakers on their own, but based on TED’s format and rules.

Video “La Importancia de la Interculturalidad en un Mundo Globalizado | Daisy Nuñez del Prado | TEDxUAndina” was uploaded on 01/24/2025 to Youtube Channel TEDx Talks