Large Protest Expected in Paris Against Macron’s Choice for PM

Large Protest Expected in Paris Against Macron’s Choice for PM

Thousands of protesters are expected to gather in Paris today to rally against President Macron’s surprise choice for prime minister, Michel Barnier. The protest, organized at the end of August, was initially expected to draw around two thousand people, but that number has since been revised upwards to between four to eight thousand participants.

According to FRANCE 24’s correspondent Yinka Oyetade, many protesters feel that the election was unfair and that Macron’s decision to bypass the New Popular Front’s candidate for prime minister was a form of political manipulation. Oyetade noted that there is a sense of frustration among the protesters, who feel that their voices have been ignored in the selection process.

The protest is expected to draw a diverse crowd of individuals who are disillusioned with Macron’s leadership and decisions. As tensions rise in Paris, the demonstration is expected to be a visible display of dissent against the current government.

The rally is a clear sign that Macron’s choice for prime minister has sparked controversy and opposition among the public. As the situation unfolds, it will be interesting to see how the government responds to the growing discontent and whether the protest will have any tangible impact on the political landscape in France.

Watch the video by FRANCE 24 English

Video “Thousands expected to march in Paris to protest Macron’s PM pick • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 09/07/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English