Lil Nas X Addresses Criticism, Amy Winehouse Biopic Trailer and Other News | Billboard Updates – Video

Lil Nas X Addresses Criticism, Amy Winehouse Biopic Trailer and Other News | Billboard Updates – Video

Lil Nas X Responds to Backlash, Amy Winehouse Biopic Trailer & More | Billboard News

In the midst of controversy surrounding his use of religious imagery, Lil Nas X teases his new video with celebrity lookalikes and responds to backlash with defiance. On the other hand, a first look at the Amy Winehouse biopic has been released, giving fans a glimpse into the life of the iconic singer. Meanwhile, Anderson .Paak’s variety show is in full swing, featuring guests like Victoria Monae, Sweetie, and espa, and delivering hilarious moments and engaging interviews.

As for the music charts, TikTok’s top songs are experiencing some surprising movements. Leslie Gore’s 1963 hit “Misty” takes the top spot, making it the oldest chart-topper on the platform. Additionally, Sophie Ellis Bextor’s 2001 hit “Murder on the Dance Floor” makes a comeback, landing at number 10 due to its use in the film “Sailor” and a resurgence in popularity on TikTok.

In other exciting news, the future of genre cover stars are being highlighted, with singer-songwriter Lea discussing her latest album and her influences like Taylor Swift. With interviews and insights into the world of music, it’s a must-watch for music enthusiasts.

From Lil Nas X’s defiance to the Amy Winehouse biopic and the surprising movements on the TikTok charts, there’s a lot happening in the music world. Stay tuned to Billboard News for the latest updates on your favorite artists and songs.

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Lil nzx is pissing all kinds of people off we get a first look at the Amy wi housee biopic Anderson pack has a ton of fun with espa and Victoria Monae we run down the top songs on Tik Tok and Le is our future of jazz cover

Star this is billboard news I’m Tetris Kelly back on Thursday January 11th and we continue our future of genre cover stars with leay I knew I wanted the album to be called Bewitched before I started writing any of the songs I knew I wanted it to be a little bit more

Mature and I wanted it to be more confident I think um my first album was a little bit aloof it’s very you know hopeless romantic the second one although it has elements of that you know I’ve experienced more with love I’ve matured more I think my writing’s

Gotten better some of the um references I put into my music The Classical references especially are so obvious that sometimes I get DMS or messages from my found saying like wait a minute I was listening to Bach today and I found the beginning of everything I know

About love and I’m like yep you got it and I love that I love spreading it in I mean I need to do a deep dive onto the classical references in Bewitched but there are so many feels very very validating especially in the category

That I am in you know it’s all my heroes it’s all legends so getting to be a voice in that category is just incredible and especially with this album that I wrote at home it just it’s it’s crazy Taylor Swift was one of the first songwriters that I really like

Songwriter artists that I really resonated with every song while you’re listening you can visually see what’s happening and it turns into a little movie and I think that’s something though she has changed genres so many times she’s always kept true to that it’s always that Taylor Swift storytelling that songwriting that is

The common denominator that’s one thing I really want to do in my lifetime I’m as a musician and has inspired me greatly for the full profile head to we’ll have another cover star for you tomorrow but we got to talk about Lil NAX I mean everyone else’s Lil

NX teases his new video that is full of celebrity lookalikes as he fights back with people who are saying his religious imagery is trolling and compare him to Madonna Nicki Minaj and More holy Nas his new single J Christ is about to drop tomorrow and in the video we see lookalikes of Taylor Swift Kanye West Barack Obama and more and multiple tweets have called him out for using religious imagery again after he also twerked on a devil in Mona me your name

This tweet says you’re just extra to be extra and yes trolling what Gaga did with Judas Madonna with Like a Prayer Nikki with Roman Holiday there’s a sense of class to It well little n ZX R up people even more by responding saying this the problem with a lot of y’all gays is y’all think I’m trying to be like Gaga or Madonna when in reality with all due respect I don’t give up what they did

And I’m doing what I want with my career it’s getting hot in here and I’m not talking about hell let’s leave my boy alone and let the music speak for itself when it’s out tomorrow on to fact we always knew he was a good time he’s been Billboard’s resident DJ at

Many events but did you know he’s got a hilarious variety show Anderson pack is pulling Talent from all over the globe and it’s so much fun Anderson Pack’s pack House Radio launched its second season on Apple music with guests Victoria Monae sweetie and espa what this what’s what are we doing Anderson’s

Son even stepped in to help tell espa that Anderson wanted their help on building his drum set what do the visual radio show has amazing Music engaging interviews I think faith is stronger than religion you feel me hell yeah Hallelujah and tons of hilarious moments I I’m always looking for a good movie which is why I’m so excited for this next one we finally have our first look at the Amy W house biopic I write songs cuz I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t it’s time to go back to black as the

First trailer from the Amy wi housee biopic has dropped I want people to hear my voice black and just forget their troubles fans of the iconic artist Amy win housee are ready to be seated for the movie out in the US on May 10 the trailer shows some pivotal points in the

Artist career and even references one of my alltime faves the Spice Girls you got remember I ain’t no spy scale Amy wi house the film stars actress Marissa Abella as the brightly burning troubled British R&B singer who died in 2011 at 27 of an accidental alcohol overdose I want to be

Remembered for just being me before I let you go we’ve got to go over some charts here are the songs you’re listening to on Tik Tok we’ve got a new leader on top of the chart plus rap and a 2001 sleeper hit breaking into the top 10 look at

Me Leslie Gore’s Misty hit jumps from number three to the top spot on the Tik Tock Billboard top 50 for the chart posting January 11th the 1963 hit becomes the oldest chart topper thanks to various Trends using the track flow Millies never lose me bounds to number

Seven thanks to a ton of Trends including fashion and Makeup finally Sophie Ellis Beer’s 2001 hit murder on the Dance Floor lands at number 10 it’s murder on the dance floor but you better not kill the this is in large part thanks to a trend born out of the songs used in the film salt every Thursday billboard will bring you

The verified list of the hottest songs on TiK ToK by monitoring music Discovery and engagement on the platform in the United States to find the Tik Tock Billboard top 50 each week users can simply go to any sound detail page and tap the top right button to access the

Charts page that’s it for today make sure you come back tomorrow for our final cover star of the week and our Friday music guide I’m Tetris Kelly and this is billboard news

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Video “Lil Nas X Responds to Backlash, Amy Winehouse Biopic Trailer & More | Billboard News” was uploaded on 01/12/2024 to Youtube Channel Billboard