A tragic incident unfolded near Reagan Washington National Airport in Virginia Wednesday night, as a military helicopter collided with a plane, resulting in a deadly crash. In the wake of this devastating event, Mayor Muriel Bowser and other Washington, DC officials are set to hold a press conference at 7:30 am EST to provide updates on the situation.
First responders are currently engaged in a desperate search for survivors in the aftermath of the crash. The details surrounding the incident remain scarce, but authorities are working diligently to piece together the sequence of events that led to this tragic outcome.
The community is urged to stay informed and tuned in to the latest developments as this story continues to unfold. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by this heartbreaking tragedy.
Watch the video by New York Post
Video “Washington DC, mayor and officials hold press conference following deadly plane crash: Watch live” was uploaded on 01/30/2025 to Youtube Channel New York Post
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