In a heartwarming and emotional moment, Casey Colvin, a victim of the Los Angeles wildfires, was reunited with his missing dog after five days of separation. The chaos of the fires had caused Colvin’s beloved pet to go missing, leading to a frantic search. However, their reunion was filled with tears of joy and relief as the two were finally back together. The video captures the raw emotion of the moment, highlighting the bond between a pet and their owner during a time of crisis. This touching story serves as a reminder of the power of love and the importance of family, even if that family member has four legs and a wagging tail.
Watch the video by E! News
Video “Los Angeles Wildfire Victim Has EMOTIONAL Reunion With Missing Dog 5 Days After Evacuation | E! News” was uploaded on 01/13/2025 to Youtube Channel E! News
Que pena ver esto😪🩷
We have a proverb that says, "He who raises dogs has no friends."
Thank you god and NBC for finding his fur babies
i dont evacuate without my cats and dogs, i cant let even my purse and id, but never my pets. 😭 😭
Слава Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу за все! Аллилуйя! Аминь!
God bless him and his babies ❤
This made me so happy ….
Omg the way I'm bawling rn ❤ I'm so glad he found his dogs
I completely understand your joy . Glad your babies are back . Happy family .
Thank you Jesus ❤❤
Trop contente pour lui et ses compagnons de route 🥰
Commuovente 🤗🤗🤗🙏❤️❤️❤️
I love that he says, yes this is my daughter
Beautiful ❤❤❤❤
California is a dump! Newsom should go get more botox, fillers , gel for his hair and plastic surgery! He and that nitwit mayor should be in prison for life!.. CA folk voted them in…
I am so impressed those Firefighters deserve so much more , and the way People treat those Animals makes me so happy. This lovely creatures depend on us we can't let them down. I have a rescued cat myself I know how he feels.
I only think about the people who became homeless our died, not the animals..
Im so emtional to watch this
I'm so glad the pooch is safe, but am I the only one that felt his reaction was…..idk.. off? Just my initial feeling watching it. Couldn't imagine this happening to me, so i don't wanna sound rude. But it felt forced or not genuine. I sound like an a**, I know
What a great man ❤
They are all i have 💔😢
C est formidable pour cet homme qui est fou de joie que du bonheur ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Как бедняга любит свою собачку.славаБогу,выжила
Had tears watching this as i would be completely the same.. sending much love to this beautiful man and his dogs .. so glad you got your babies back xxxx
dude congrats. I am very happy for you.
He said "Thank you Jesus, Thank you God"., 🙏🏾🙂
Crying too….
This man really deserve to find his 2 fur baby's, and he did. God bless them.❤😅👍
Cet homme avec son chien c est trop beau….
Почему он оставил бросил свою собаку?! Спасибо , что не на привязи
Вот же пи.. 2:17
I read ponnies, horses, dogs, turtles, cats is found wandering streets…so sad, and many lost in fire. Celebrities keeping it caged and for fun…without thinking of worst case senario 💔
I am so happy for Dear Casey……❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🐾🐾🐕🐾🐾🐕💕🌹🌹🌹👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏
Ich freue mich für euch, wunderbar. 😃
Вот это люди,как они любят животных,а у нас только материя.наберем животных а потом выкидывает,развели бордак с животными .
I love Pomeranians may The Only GOD HASHAM bless him and his Pomeranian
שה' האלוהים היחיד מהעולם עד העולם יברך את הפומראין ואת כול הפומראנים בעולם בבריאות אושר ועושר לנצח אמן ואמן ואמן 🕎
I love how Oreo ran to his sister under the gate 🥹
Thankyou Jesus! Thankyou God! For burning my home to the ground, destroying all my possessions and traumatising me and my dogs. Thanks for all the innocent wild animals you killed in the most gruesome way. Religion really does mess with people's ability to think.
Die armen tiere was müssen diese Tiere durch Menschen leiden es ist einfach schrecklich und traurig mir tun die Menschen natürlich auch leid aber nur Menschen können den tieren helfen alles war glaube ich geplant das los Angeles brennen soll einfach unfassbar was dort passiert 😭😭😭😭