In the post-apocalyptic world of “LOVE ME,” a unique and touching romance unfolds between a buoy and a satellite who connect online. Starring Kristen Stewart and Steven Yeun, this innovative film explores the idea of love and connection in a world where human civilization has come to an end. Directed by an up-and-coming filmmaker and written by a talented screenwriter, “LOVE ME” promises to be a thought-provoking and heartwarming tale of love transcending boundaries and surviving even in the most dire circumstances. As the characters navigate their unlikely relationship, audiences will be taken on a journey of discovery and emotion that is sure to leave a lasting impact. With stellar performances from the cast and a unique premise, “LOVE ME” is poised to be a standout film of the year.
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Video “LOVE ME Official Trailer (2025) Kristen Stewart, Steven Yeun Movie HD” was uploaded on 01/01/2025 to Youtube Channel Rapid Trailer
So a NPC movie..
I'm torn. Reviews aren't great but I'm intrigued.
This movie seems good but this trailer sucks
Checking all that studios ESG requirements I see.
I'm not even a buoy anymore!
Okay had me at concept and ice cream 😅👌🏽👀
I doubt an AI would have a positive view of humanity watching online content.
Looks shite
Giving Love Death and Robots vibes.