Lucy Letby found guilty of attempting to kill baby girl

Lucy Letby found guilty of attempting to kill baby girl

Former nurse Lucy Letby has been found guilty of attempting to murder a premature baby girl at the Manchester Crown Court. This comes after she was already convicted last August of the murders of seven babies and the attempted murders of six others at the Countess of Chester Hospital’s neo-natal unit.

The 34-year-old was found guilty of trying to murder a “very premature” infant by dislodging her breathing tube in the early hours of February 17, 2016. This verdict comes after a retrial was ordered on the single count related to Baby K as the previous jury could not reach a decision.

This shocking case has sent shockwaves through the medical community and has raised questions about the safety and security of hospitals and healthcare facilities. Lucy Letby’s actions have had a devastating impact on the families of the babies involved and has left many wondering how someone entrusted with the care of these vulnerable infants could commit such heinous acts.

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Video “Lucy Letby guilty of trying to kill baby girl | BBC News” was uploaded on 07/02/2024 to Youtube Channel BBC News