As the holiday season approaches, fans of the beloved film “Home Alone” are celebrating the 30th anniversary of this classic family comedy. In a recent video titled “Macauley Culkin Wanted to Buy OG Home Alone House,” ET takes a trip down memory lane with rare interviews from the set of the film.
The video features interviews with some of the key cast members, including Macauley Culkin, who played the mischievous Kevin McCallister, and Catherine O’Hara, who portrayed Kevin’s loving mother. Culkin reflects on his experience filming the iconic movie and reveals his desire to purchase the original Home Alone house.
One of the highlights of the video is an interview with Daniel Stern, who played the bumbling burglar Marv in the film. Nearly three decades later, Stern sits down with ET to reminisce about his time on set and the enduring popularity of “Home Alone.”
As fans of the film continue to revisit their favorite holiday classic, this ET Then & Now video offers a nostalgic look back at the making of “Home Alone” and provides insights from the talented cast members who brought this heartwarming story to life.
Watch the video by Entertainment Tonight
Video “Macauley Culkin Wanted to Buy OG Home Alone House” was uploaded on 12/23/2024 to Youtube Channel Entertainment Tonight
I heard he’s gonna buy the diddy mansion
He should have!
i turned that house into a giant drug den with spiders and needles