“Magic Men” is a heartwarming and complex film that follows the story of Avraham, an elderly Greek Holocaust survivor, and his estranged son Yehuda, a devout ultra-orthodox Jew. The two embark on an unexpected journey to Greece, where Avraham seeks to find the man who saved his life during World War II. As they explore the landscapes of the past and confront their personal differences, father and son uncover a deeper understanding of each other.
Directed by Guy Nattiv and Erez Tadmor, “Magic Men” stars Ariane Labed, Vangelis Mourikis, and Zohar Strauss. The film, which won awards for Best Actor, Best Music, and Best Film, beautifully portrays the emotional journey of family reconciliation and the power of forgiveness. Set against the backdrop of historical trauma and personal transformation, “Magic Men” is a compelling blend of comedy and drama that leaves a lasting impact on its audience.
Watch the video by Cinéfilm
Video “Magic Men (Comédie) Film primé ! Meilleur acteur, meilleure musique, meilleur film” was uploaded on 01/23/2025 to Youtube Channel Cinéfilm
Ameiii shalom
Il est pas en Français n’importe quoi 😡
Du feuj encore.. mais toi une balle ça vaut mieux
Une histoire qui nous lie tous et toutes !
Merci pour ce partage.
Même sans traduction,
Le coeur vibre, valse et vie.
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