Major Culprits of Bad Behavior Linked to 40% of Cancer Cases

Major Culprits of Bad Behavior Linked to 40% of Cancer Cases

In a shocking revelation, the American Cancer Society has found that 40% of cancer cases in the US can be linked to poor lifestyle choices and bad behavior. Smoking, in particular, is the main culprit, accounting for 20% of cancer cases and nearly 30% of cancer deaths.

According to the ACS, making simple changes like quitting smoking or losing weight could prevent a significant number of cancer cases and deaths in American adults. In fact, they estimate that 4 in 10 cancer cases and almost half of cancer deaths in adults 30 and older could have been avoided with healthier choices.

This eye-opening research serves as a stark reminder of the impact our behaviors can have on our health. It’s a wake-up call to prioritize our well-being and make positive changes for a healthier future.

To learn more about this important study and to stay up to date on the latest news, be sure to subscribe to the New York Post and follow them on social media. Let’s take control of our health and make better choices to reduce the risk of cancer.

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Video “40% of cancer cases linked to bad behavior — here are the major culprits” was uploaded on 07/12/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post