Man in Alberta Complains About Dodge Ram Truck’s Paint Peeling Easily

Man in Alberta Complains About Dodge Ram Truck’s Paint Peeling Easily

An Alberta man is raising concerns about the durability of Dodge Ram trucks after experiencing paint peeling issues on his 2018 pickup. Wade Adams of Okotoks noticed the problem after a spring snowfall, starting with small pieces but quickly escalating to large sections of paint peeling off. Adams described how the paint would lift off the metal surface with no primer left underneath. Despite taking his concerns to the dealership where he purchased the vehicle and escalating the issue to the manufacturer, Adams was told that his warranty had expired and there was nothing that could be done. This has left Adams feeling disappointed in the quality of the truck, especially considering the amount he paid for it. The situation highlights the importance of holding manufacturers accountable for their products and ensuring that they live up to their branding promises.

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Video “Alberta man says peeling paint on his Dodge Ram truck clearly “not tough enough”” was uploaded on 07/18/2024 to Youtube Channel Global News