Marwan Bishara calls out US hypocrisy and double standard on Gaza

Marwan Bishara calls out US hypocrisy and double standard on Gaza

In a scathing analysis, Al Jazeera’s senior political analyst Marwan Bishara has condemned the United States for its “hypocrisy” and “double standard” in their approach to the situation in Gaza. Bishara highlights the US government’s complicit stance with Israel, despite the increasing death toll and devastation in Gaza.

According to Bishara, the US continues to provide weapons and justify Israel’s actions in Palestine, while simultaneously condemning Russia and defending Ukraine. He describes this behavior as hypocritical and shameful, noting that the US’s silence on the situation in Gaza is “shameful, perhaps shameless.”

Bishara’s comments shed light on the glaring contradiction in US foreign policy, exposing the double standard that the US seems to uphold in its dealings with different countries. Despite being called out for its hypocrisy, the US continues to support Israel’s actions in Gaza, further perpetuating the suffering of the Palestinian people.

As the death toll continues to rise and the situation in Gaza worsens, Bishara’s words serve as a reminder of the need for accountability and justice in the international community. The US’s stance on Gaza is not only hypocritical, but also harmful, perpetuating injustice and conflict in the region.

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Video “US position on Gaza shows ‘hypocrisy, double standard’: Marwan Bishara” was uploaded on 07/11/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English