In a groundbreaking legal battle, the government of Mexico is taking on the U.S. gun industry in an effort to hold them accountable for the devastating effects of cartel violence fueled by guns coming from America. In a recent report by “60 Minutes,” the renowned investigative broadcast explores this controversial lawsuit that aims to seek billions in damages from a major American gun maker and several U.S. gun stores.
With hard-hitting investigative reports and in-depth interviews, “60 Minutes” sheds light on the intricate web of connections between the U.S. gun industry and the violence plaguing Mexico. As one of the most successful television broadcasts in history, “60 Minutes” continues to provide viewers with thought-provoking content that delves into pressing issues of our time.
To stay updated with the latest episodes and exclusive content from “60 Minutes,” be sure to subscribe to their YouTube channel and follow them on social media. Don’t miss out on this gripping report on Mexico’s legal battle against the U.S. gun industry, a story that has far-reaching implications for both countries.
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“60 Minutes,” the most successful television broadcast in history. Offering hard-hitting investigative reports, interviews, feature segments and profiles of people in the news, the broadcast began in 1968 and is still a hit, over 50 seasons later, regularly making Nielsen’s Top 10.
Video “Mexico’s legal battle against the U.S. gun industry | 60 Minutes” was uploaded on 12/23/2024 to Youtube Channel 60 Minutes
Don’t take our 2nd Amendment from us Mexicans we have the rights just like the hypocrite MAGA Republicans.
Thank you , 60 minutes. Most Americans just like to point the finger. Americans are the ones arming these cartels. Americans are the ones consuming the drug. Instead of pointing fingers the US should get to work by fixing itself first.
so how bad has this been edited, can we trust 60 min.
Andrés Manuel López Obrador is the head of the cartels
Does this mean we can sue Mexico for facilitating illegal immigration?
If UnitedHealth CEO can come up with plan to deny health coverage to make more money, I can see a gun company wanting to make it easier for cartels to buy there weapons.
Leave it to 60 minutes to do anything to make the United States look bad
Open gun shows allow folks to purchase large amounts and sell them to Mexico and other US states with more restrictive gun laws. Illinois was tracking the interstate guns sales from Indiana and Arkansas. No one wants to talk about that.
Just because something is legal doesn't mean it shouldn't be illegal.
This is a victimized joke , you bathe in gas and spark a match and blame the “ manufacturers” that you bought from ? 😂
You can smell the corruption thru the screen of these rots
This makes me angry on a whole other level . Mexico has military to stop the cartels yet corruption walks over that and yet they want to outlaw guns in the US. They don’t understand how outlawing something will only make it worse. The border states can not be unarmed because of the things that happen next to them. You keep that BS on your side.
Obrador didn’t say nothing about Russia or China😂😂🤡
ofc corrupt US supreme court.
"Reckless and unlawful business practices"
The U.S.A in a nutshell
Does anyone find the humor in this 🤣🤣
Oh, please! What a frivolous lawsuit and a middle finger to the US people when Mexico traffics MILLIONS of illegal immigrants to the country in addition to drugs like fentanyl which have plagued our people. Mexico es un peor amigo.
We need to support the Mexican government in this lawsuit against the gun company’s.
Less American guns going into Mexico .. means less families fleeing and coming to America.
You can’t ignore the demand for drugs in the U.S., either. It’s a simple matter of supply and demand.
Whichever company sendig guns to the cartels is a terrorist even if its the ATF
check our borders theres a big menonite american family with relationships with american politicans in high places in the republican party, these people have weapons for their own protection how can they do that if that is illegal, so yes the problem is deeper than just killing our mexican soldiers because you say so, we are putting the dead people you are putting the nose on the other side and the guns.
The cartels get their guns from the ATF. Sue them.
If the lawsuit is successful?? Lol what a joke! Yeah like trump and the republicans are really gonna touch the nra lol, yeah 😅. We already saw what happened with the gmo corn dispute that the US won because of "science" lol. No way in hell México wins this battle.
I hope this loop hole is shout down. The manufacturer and the dealers should be held accountable.
"A cartel without firearms is just a gang."
The United States (mainly the NRA) have made guns so easy to get that no wonder it'll be hard to go after any dealers.
The NRA is the most responsible though! They have fought against even sensible gun laws that wouldn't prohibit ownership/sales!
The NRA has been deeply involved in politics since they almost made S&W go bankrupt because they teamed up with President Clinton just for safer ownership!
Also, military weapons shouldn't have been allowed to expire regarding sales to civilians. We have plenty of guns to choose from for protection. But Republicans live on pushing fear. So, everyone thinks a gun will make them safer. It's all a joke created for the easily influenced.
I wish Mexico luck in perusing this. I just wish they involved the NRA. They're the real criminals in all of this!
Is easy to blame Mexico why don’t they stop this or that but when you live in Mexico if cartel wants something and you don’t do what they say weather you are a cop or anyone they will come after you or your family. The power that cartels have and the weapons the carry is pretty hard to stop them is easy to judge from the American side but when you in Mexico you are helpless.
Why does America have to fix Mexico's problems? Why doesn't Mexico fix their own problems. You don't see Mexico fixing American problems.
"90% of gun stores sell ZERO crime guns". It seems like it's easier to buy guns near the border instead of going to Kansas or Wyoming.
Also, if the FBI & ATF are doing background checks, shouldn't the onus be on them to reject the applications? The owner has a point. If he's doing anything wrong then they would have already shut him down.
Blatant propaganda. Mexico has strict gun control laws! Ha ask the cartels how that’s working out… Mexico has no right to speak a word to about this stuff. Total hypocrisy. Yet our government won’t do anything and is actively working with the cartels 🤡
How 'bout the U.S. sues Mexico for all of the drugs, human trafficking and other criminal activities that come into the U.S. from Mexico. The money made by the Cartel's allows them to buy everything including the politicians there and here. The border needs to be locked down and stronger, more thorough searches need to be conducted of people and vehicles coming into AND LEAVING the U.S.
Mexico gets guns, America gets Fent ODs. Fair trade if you ask me…
Just remember because of Texas joke of gun laws the cartels drive over the border then buy hundreds. Then drive it back over
Our government would NEVER give in the way the Mexican government did. I think it was done in Mexico with money. The attack was just a distraction to put on the news
Hey Mexico, hows that single gun store working out for you? Don't worry, soon Trump will take office and he's sending our Delta force and Seal Team 6 to finally do away with the drug cartels. Trump doesn't bluff…
Mexico trying to blame their issues on America… again. We will no longer sit back and allow your cartels to poison us. Delta Force and Navy Seals are coming after January 20th.
Mexico can stop whining about the border then.
Viva Mexico cabrones
So, you're telling me that a 24 year old woman can walk into a gun store in Arizona, and leave with a belt fed .50 machine gun and a fully automatic AK 47? That's a load of bull. The source of fully auto weapons can only be the government. It is not possible to buy newly manufactured, automatic weapons any where in the US, legally.
Then the families of thoes who died from overdoses should be able to sue Mexico for their complicity with the cartels, Mexico is basically a narco state run by the cartels
The corruption in the government isn't addressed at all.
I bet people owning gun stocks are really angry about this. Probably more angry than the fen coming in to the country. I bet they will make a trade. They will allow fen to come into the country as long as Mexico looks the other way when it comes to guns. Watch and see. I can hear the Americans panting as I write this
Why haven’t you taken care of the cartels to begin with? Don’t make it the US is problem that you’re incompetent country.