Michael Mann Considering a Return to Film Sequel

Michael Mann Considering a Return to Film Sequel

Ever since Michael Mann became one of the first A-list directors to embrace digital filmmaking with 2004’s “Collateral,” he’s left film behind, shooting all of his subsequent features using digital capture rather than celluloid. That might change, however; as Mann told a sold-out crowd at the American Cinematheque on January 5, he’s considering a return to film — and it will be for a sequel to his most beloved movie.

Following the Cinematheque’s screening of “Heat,” which kicked off the organization’s ongoing Michael Mann retrospective, Mann participated in a Q&A in which an audience member asked if he would ever shoot on film again. “My next film is going to be ‘Heat 2,’” Mann responded. “And I’m considering shooting that on film.” The director explained that although he has shot five films in a row on digital, he’s agnostic when it comes to formats. “I have no prejudice either way. The only orientation I have is that if you’re going to shoot video, treat it like a new medium and shoot to exploit what the new technology can do.”

Mann went on to elaborate that for “Collateral,” he wanted to lean into the unique look digital could give to his night exteriors. “If I’m using high-def, it’s not to make it look like film,” he said, adding that he utilized digital technology for a different reason on “Public Enemies.” “I didn’t want ‘Public Enemies’ to have a nostalgic view of the ’30s. I wanted to…

Read full article: Michael Mann Considering a Return to Film Sequel – IndieWire

The article “Michael Mann Considering a Return to Film Sequel – IndieWire” by Jim Hemphill was published on 09/01/2024 by www.indiewire.com