Micronesia, 2000 little worlds surrounded by the vast ocean… The one thing they have in common is the feeling that the Pacific Ocean is their only link with the rest of the universe.
We meet Augustin, the solitary sentinel of a cursed city, Pasan, the tribal chief and Bruce, the dedicated traveller.
Director: Maud de Bohan
Original title: Somewhere on Earth: Micronesia
Watch the video by Best Documentary
Video “Micronesia, the Lost Worlds of the Pacific Ocean” was uploaded on 10/12/2024 to Youtube Channel Best Documentary
"… without those traditions and customs, I could not make it. " (~ 30:15). As I watched this documentary it occurred to me, for more than the first time – even as a senior, I still have few survival skills necessary in such an environment. It's humbling to realize that our stone age ancestors were more adapt to survival without iron & steel than 90% of the current global population if without computers.
This are Alien inspired contructions of such magnitude, our human ancestors had no such advance technology or knowledge to built such structures.
Could it be that these ancient people were more technologically advanced than we give them credit for. There’s other cultures with huge structures that modern man cannot explain how these people were able to construct these structures
Really interesting
Solo la ignorancia los hace grande y felices cumpliendo todas sus necesidaded de la vida.
How the heck you gonna take huge stone money? I guess money/wealth is to be left behind for your love ones…. Hence super wealthy people leave everything behind for their children and pay no taxes.
I grew up in the USA and moved to Guam in the early 1990s as a teacher.
I've lived on Guam for over 30 years. I have 2 Graduate degrees form UOG. Never heard of Bruce. In the credits is Cathleen Moore Linn. She is real. The rest is unbelievable. That small plane could not carry enough fuel to go from Guam to Ulithi. You must take a United Airlines flight to Yap, then take another plane to Ulithi. And there is no village that is a two-day hike from the Ulithi airstrip; maybe not even a two-hour hike as Ulithi is very small. I have made the trip twice.
I don't know why this baloney-filled video was made.
From Greece my salute!!! to Pacific ocean life and special for the producers!!!
lots of micronesian people in hawaii, they are cool to be around. island life
muy buenos documentales! excelentes!
I know it’s been a while. I hope you are still doing fine.
. . interesting unusual music sound-track . . thanks
you Americans might not no much about it but us Aussies no all about Micronesia n there good ppl so just leave them alone thank u very much.
My child ..!
I can not see this man peddeling. Canoe peddel lesson number one is, sit down and then TURN YOUR BODY a bit to the right, when you peddel right, and to the left, when you peddel on the left side. Do not just sit, watching straight ahead, turn that bit left or right. Do it! You'll see peddeling gets a whole lot easier.
More power. It is like sitting on a bicycle, the moment you lower the handle bars, your legs feel like a horse that finally gets enough reign. It is like ice skating or skeelers, standing straight up does limit your legs, posture is not just for air drag, it is for your muscles. In a canoe, your entire body NEEDS that tiny angle you turn left or right. And I start screaming, seeing all those people who clearly MISSED lesson number one. Lesson number two is, do not switch sides every stroke, you can steer with that peddel. Yes, on one side. Why would you stick to that beginner level? You are in Micronesia, for your grandparents sake.
It's all petrified wood.. look at the ancient megalithic tree stumps that have been snapped by Noah's flood. 19 angels to cut down 19 giant trees these were small trees.. look at the whole landscape and use lidar .. this place is before the flood they built these structures out of wood to withstand a flood. And now they are petrified.. they still go down another seven stories
It must have been such a big community before the great biblical flood
Beautiful island been there before , love the fishing

Once upon a time there were giants living on this planet Earth, they did the work.
3000-4000 years ago there were communites, kingdoms, advanced civilizations all over the world… they built cities on coast, then sealevel rose, they moved. Tell that kind of stories. Please cut off those spirit this spirit that kind of bull sh!t
Fix the captions
Big faamalo to this great man helping the Micronesian people
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