Migrants living in squalor in new camp awaiting passage to UK

Migrants living in squalor in new camp awaiting passage to UK

Amid the abject squalor of the New Jungle migrant camp in Calais, France, shocking reports have emerged of migrants living in desperate conditions, as they wait to be smuggled across to the UK. The camp, often compared to a slum, has been described as “like living among animals” by some residents.

According to accounts from those living in the camp, there is a secretive “waiting list” for a spot on one of the dinghies that traffickers use to transport people across the English Channel. Many migrants are willing to take the dangerous journey in hopes of finding a better life in the UK.

The situation in the camp has been described as dire, with overcrowded and unsanitary living conditions. Makeshift shelters and tents dot the landscape, with limited access to clean water, food, and healthcare. The lack of proper sanitation facilities has raised concerns about the spread of disease among residents.

Migrants from various countries, including Afghanistan, Iran, and Eritrea, have flocked to the New Jungle camp in search of a way to reach the UK. The camp has become a hub for human trafficking and smuggling operations, as traffickers exploit vulnerable individuals seeking asylum.

The plight of migrants in the New Jungle camp highlights the ongoing humanitarian crisis facing refugees and asylum-seekers around the world. The struggle for a better life often forces individuals to take dangerous risks and endure unimaginable hardships in the hope of finding a safe haven.

As authorities continue to grapple with the challenges posed by mass migration and human trafficking, the need for compassionate and comprehensive solutions to address the root causes of displacement and ensure the safety and well-being of migrants is more urgent than ever.

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Video “Migrants are ‘living like animals’ in new camp waiting to be smuggled across to the UK” was uploaded on 07/27/2024 to Youtube Channel The Sun