MONGOLIA – Where Daughters Warm Guests Throughout the Night – Video

MONGOLIA – Where Daughters Warm Guests Throughout the Night – Video

MONGOLIA – Where Hosts Have Their Daughters Warm Guests Throughout The Night
Can you imagine a scene with a deep blue sky stretched out like a vast canvas, with fluffy white clouds drifting like wild horses? Under that sky, endless green steppes spread out, dotted with flocks of white sheep leisurely grazing. In the distance, majestic mountain ranges rise and fall like folds in a giant tapestry.
This beauty is not far away, but right in Mongolia, where visitors are captivated by the pristine, majestic landscapes and unique cultural features. This land is also alluring because of its women, who are as beautiful as paintings, charming, and intelligent. Here, it is customary for hosts to let their daughters warm guests throughout the night due to hospitality traditions or even the demand for foreign men.
When you come to Mongolia, you will have the chance to ride horses across the steppes, learn archery, hunt with eagles, and set up yurts. Moreover, Mongolia is a place that preserves the heroic historical marks of the Mongol Empire, which once resounded across the world, and it is the birthplace of Genghis Khan, the legendary Great Khan.

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Video “MONGOLIA – Where Hosts Have Their Daughters Warm Guests Throughout The Night” was uploaded on 06/14/2024 to Youtube Channel DiscoveryQuest