More than 100 dolphins stranded on Cape Cod beach rescued

More than 100 dolphins stranded on Cape Cod beach rescued

More than 100 dolphins were left stranded on a muddy beach off Cape Cod, Massachusetts, before rescuers came to their aid. The International Fund for Animal Welfare was alerted to the situation when 10 Atlantic white-sided dolphins were spotted close to shore.

Upon arrival, staff and volunteers discovered 125 animals stuck in the shallow mud flats of Wellfleet, in an area called the “Gut”. Tragically, 10 dolphins had already perished. The rescuers worked quickly to save the remaining dolphins, successfully getting most of them back into the water.

This heartwarming rescue is a testament to the dedication and hard work of those who strive to protect and save animals in need. The New York Post reported on this incredible rescue, highlighting the importance of conservation efforts and the impact they can have on wildlife.

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Video “Over 100 dolphins left stranded on muddy Cape Cod beach before being rescued” was uploaded on 06/30/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post