More than 150 killed in Bangladesh protests

More than 150 killed in Bangladesh protests

More than 150 people have been killed in protests across Bangladesh as students continue to demand justice and equality in government job quotas. The Supreme Court recently ruled that only 5% of public sector roles can be reserved for veterans’ relatives, a significant reduction from the previous one-third allocation.

Protestors have remained defiant, refusing to back down until the court order is fully implemented. The controversial quota system had previously reserved a large portion of government jobs for descendants of veterans from Bangladesh’s war for independence in 1971.

In response to the ongoing unrest, authorities have imposed a nationwide curfew and a communication blackout in an attempt to suppress the protests. Despite these measures, students and other activists are undeterred in their fight for fair and transparent employment opportunities.

The situation in Bangladesh remains tense as the death toll continues to rise, with both protestors and security forces clashing in the streets. The international community is closely monitoring the developments in the country, as concerns grow over the escalating violence and loss of life.

As the protests show no signs of abating, it is clear that the issues surrounding government job quotas in Bangladesh are deeply rooted and must be addressed in a timely and effective manner to prevent further bloodshed and unrest.

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Video “More than 150 killed in Bangladesh protests | BBC News” was uploaded on 07/22/2024 to Youtube Channel BBC News