Most Israelis find it “almost impossible” to call for an end to the Gaza war, says Israeli analyst.

Most Israelis find it “almost impossible” to call for an end to the Gaza war, says Israeli analyst.

Israeli analyst Ori Goldberg has shed light on the difficulty for most Israelis to call for an end to the ongoing war in Gaza. In an interview with Al Jazeera, Goldberg expressed that despite the widespread disapproval of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government, many Israelis find it nearly impossible to advocate for peace.

Goldberg emphasized the lack of viable alternatives presented by Israeli Jewish politicians, leaving little room for the majority of Israelis to push for an end to the 11-month-long conflict. He noted that while there is a great deal of dislike and distrust towards Netanyahu, protests demanding an end to the war are seen as necessary by many.

The analyst’s insights highlight the complex political landscape in Israel, where the division of opinions on how to approach the conflict in Gaza adds to the challenges of reaching a resolution. As tensions continue to escalate and the humanitarian crisis worsens in Gaza, the reluctance of most Israelis to call for an end to the war further complicates the path to peace.

The situation in Gaza remains dire, with civilians bearing the brunt of the violence and displacement. As calls for an end to the conflict grow louder on the international stage, Goldberg’s assessment underscores the internal struggles within Israeli society when it comes to addressing the ongoing war in Gaza.

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Video “Calling for end of Gaza war ‘almost impossible’ for most Israelis: Israeli analyst” was uploaded on 09/07/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English