Mother of Deceased Son Shares Heartbreaking Story of His Final Moments on Treadmill – Video

Mother of Deceased Son Shares Heartbreaking Story of His Final Moments on Treadmill – Video

The tragic story of 6-year-old Corey Micciolo, who was forced to run on a treadmill by his father before tragically passing away, has left the nation in shock. In a heartbreaking video, Christopher Gregor can be seen ordering his young son to run at high speeds, a cruel act that ultimately led to the little boy’s death from “chronic abuse” twelve days later.

The devastated mother of Corey Micciolo is now speaking out, placing blame not only on Gregor for her son’s untimely death but also on the system that she claims failed to respond to her cries for help. In a world where child abuse continues to be a prevalent issue, this story serves as a painful reminder of the importance of protecting our most vulnerable citizens.

Inside Edition’s Ann Mercogliano delves deeper into this heartbreaking case, shedding light on the injustices that allowed such a tragedy to occur. As we mourn the loss of Corey Micciolo, may his story serve as a wake-up call for us all to stand up against child abuse and ensure that every child receives the protection and care they deserve.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “Mom of Boy Dad Made Run on Treadmill Before Dying Speaks Out” was uploaded on 06/07/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition