Mother of the Bride Accused of Stealing the Spotlight from Her Daughter on Wedding Day – Video

Mother of the Bride Accused of Stealing the Spotlight from Her Daughter on Wedding Day – Video

Social media is buzzing with controversy surrounding a video of a Louisiana bride’s mother, Lori Dewitt, who is being accused of trying to upstage her daughter at her wedding. The video, recorded by Chloe LeBlanc, shows Dewitt looking stunning in a glamorous gown, prompting accusations that she stole the spotlight from the bride on her special day.

However, LeBlanc has come forward to defend Dewitt, stating that the bride was actually with her mother when they went dress shopping and she approved of the gown that she wore to the wedding. LeBlanc also suggests that the backlash against Dewitt may stem from jealousy, as she looked undeniably beautiful on the day of the wedding.

Despite LeBlanc’s defense of Dewitt, the internet is divided on whether the mother of the bride crossed a line by wearing such a show-stopping gown. Some argue that a wedding should be all about the bride, while others believe that Dewitt has every right to feel confident and glamorous on her daughter’s big day.

Ultimately, this controversy serves as a reminder of the complexities of family dynamics and the importance of communication and understanding in such emotionally charged situations. Wedding drama aside, it’s clear that both the bride and her mother looked stunning on the big day, and hopefully, they can put this social media firestorm behind them and focus on the love and joy that were shared on their special day.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “Mom of Bride Accused of Trying to Upstage Her Daughter” was uploaded on 06/14/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition