In a deadly ambush in Rafah, multiple Israeli soldiers were injured after the Palestinian resistance detonated an explosive device. The incident, which took place in the volatile region near the Gaza Strip, has left seven Israeli soldiers wounded, according to reports from Israeli media.
The attack highlights the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian militants, as tensions continue to escalate in the region. The explosive ambush serves as a stark reminder of the dangers faced by soldiers operating in the area, where clashes and violence are a frequent occurrence.
The injured soldiers were quickly evacuated to receive medical treatment, while Israeli forces launched a search operation in the area in an attempt to locate those responsible for the attack. The incident serves as a sobering reminder of the complex and volatile nature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has seen decades of unrest and bloodshed.
As tensions continue to simmer and violence erupts in the region, the situation remains precarious and uncertain. The explosive ambush in Rafah serves as a grim reminder of the challenges faced by both Israeli and Palestinian forces, as they navigate the political and military minefield that defines the conflict in the region.
Watch the video by The Free Press Journal
Video “Explosive Ambush in Rafah: Multiple Israeli Soldiers Injured” was uploaded on 08/05/2024 to Youtube Channel The Free Press Journal
USA breaks world record, wins swimming Olympic gold in women's medley relay
Better die 😂😂😂😂
Toujours bon de voir des colons en couche culotte se faire exploser la gueule et finir sur une civiere 😂
Are we supposed to care?
Diaper Army
# FreePalestine
Rafah ku Rafaada dhexdeeda oo ku
Guerilla warfare
So Isreal can claim they killed 13k hamaz ,and hamaz must not respond?
Beter olun sayılarınız artsın insaalah
Bu domuzların sonunu görmeyi Allah nasip etsin
they have the right to protect against the invasion
👍🏻 👍🏻 👍🏻 👍🏻 👌 ❤
❌⚰️🇮🇱⚰️❌🕎⚰️❌tabu yuddh
Bismillah Rahman Rahim 786🤲👆🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇪🇭🇵🇸🇪🇭🇵🇸🇪🇭🕋🕋🕋🕋🕋🕋🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲👆Palestine Gaza 🤲🇵🇸🇪🇭🇵🇸🇪🇭🤲👆Bismillah
🔻☝️🔻 Æl Qassam ßrigades 🔻☝️🔻
Unlike Isreal , H group doesn’t shoot at medivac or medical personnel
Absolutely disgraceful 😢
The dua/dhikr for the victory of the Arab guerrilla groups: LAA HAWLA WALAA QUWWATA ILLA BILLAH. Let's recite it at least 100 times every day. It is also one of the Jannah's portals (Tirmidhi).
Hubaib bin Salamah (may Allah be pleased with him) used to recite "Laa Hawla wa Laa Quwwata illa Billaah" when facing an enemy or besieging a fortress.
It is said that one day he surrounded a fortress belonging to the Romans so that he was desperate, then the Muslim army recited the dhikr, finally the fortress was destroyed. An extraordinary experience was also told by Abu Khair, Ishaq Al Gharawi. He recounted that they were once attacked by an army with eighty elephants. As a result, their troops, including the cavalry, fell apart.
This event, Abu Khair said, made Muhammad bin Qasum panic. Seeing this condition he then recited "La Hawla wa La Quwwata Illa Billah" many times.
Shortly afterwards, the elephants suddenly scattered in search of a water source. Their handlers were unable to control the strange behaviour of their pet elephants. It turned out that Allah swt had given the elephants extreme heat and thirst.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was not only a prophet but also the leader of the Islamic movement.