Murder by Contract is a classic film noir that follows a hitman who finds himself in a dangerous situation when he fails to carry out a hit on a star witness. The film is directed by Irving Lerner and stars Vince Edwards as the hitman and Philip Pine as the star witness. As the hitman navigates the treacherous world of contract killing, he must outwit those who are now trying to eliminate him. With a suspenseful plot and strong performances from the cast, Murder by Contract is a gripping thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end. If you’re a fan of classic film noir, this is definitely a movie worth watching.
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Video “Murder by Contract FULL MOVIE | (Vince Edwards, Philip Pine) STREAM CITY” was uploaded on 04/05/2024 to Youtube Channel Stream City
Fine music🎶🎶🎶🎶 introduction fantastic
Is this a Kerouac movie?
Wow! I’m glad I clicked on this movie. I’m a big fan of Dana Andrews and didn’t know about this movie. Thanks for posting it. 😊
Dude crawled out of a sewer and his suit was still clean!🤣🤣🤣
Dumbest movie I ever seen in my life.
I can remember as a young teenager thinking this guy is a hunk ! My girlfriends used this description all the time so I sorted them out as hunks or so, so.
He who hesitates is lost.
Mark Ruffalo was good in this movie.
There is something so infecting about this movie and some of the dialogue should be deemed "classic" and "memorable" in the movie dialogue hall of fame. The music sets your mind into a sense of complacency as the plans for murder are conducted. The sound of the arrow hitting the bullseye at 43:14 is comically so out of place, yet it sets a weird tone for the dance this film wants you to get up and perform in your mind. Doesn't the score remind you of the theme for Harry Lime in The Third Man? I want to know if there is a script or transcript available for this film somewhere on the internet.
Good movie, Ben Casey also a good assassin, who knew?
Edwards charactor is a real serious jerk
People you have to listen to the music in the Gotti HBO movie with John travolta. That song is a takeoff of this song in this movie. It's amazing how today's music keeps reaching back further and further into the music of yesteryear into the music of our time and my time.
See "This Gun's For Hire" for a better treatment of this premise. Not to say that this is a bad movie. It is pretty good.
Reminds me of an early Jim Jarmusch film.
Anyone interested that BLONDE LADY answering the phone then going to see VINCE was DARREN McGAVINS WIFE!!!! She's KATHIE BROWNE but here in this movies spelled CATHY BROWN**
For a moment when VINCE EDWARDS was still wearing that BARBERS WHITE APRON I thought someone purposely switched the film to a shot of EDWARDS as BEN CASEY!!!! Maybe a producer seen EDWARDS in that WHITE APRON and said hey!! this guy looks like a DOCTOR and what an idea for a MEDICAL TV SERIES**
Soundtrack sounds like The Beverly Hillbillies
This film more of a character study than a thriller.
Had it in his hands and then he botched it.
Strange movie. Unclassifiable. And quite addictive !
what a statement for a dirty cup?
well done. absolutely loved the music.
I enjoyed this movie, it keeps you spellbound till the end.
Directed by Irving Lerner in 1958, this is quite unusual in style for a noir, but I thought it was a success. When I was part of a noir group on FB and it was shown on Noir Alley, half loved it, half hated it. Very much worth a look.