My Alpha-Male Boyfriend and I Are Transgender | Love Shouldn’t Judge – Video

My Alpha-Male Boyfriend and I Are Transgender | Love Shouldn’t Judge – Video

shocked and apprehensive.” However, it’s not all bad news, as the couple have also found a lot of support from those closest to them, with Jesse adding that his best friends and some family members have since come around to their relationship. Cassidy hopes that their love can show others that it’s possible to live a happy relationship and not care about what people think. Their message is simple: “Don’t be scared to embrace who you love, because if I was still scared to let it out to this world, I would be hiding everything that is so beautiful about us.” The couple’s story is a powerful reminder that love knows no boundaries, and that ultimately, it’s all about accepting and embracing each other for who we truly are.

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This is Jesse he fell in love with Cassidy I’m a proud trans woman Jesse was raised in a strict conservative family one thing I was definitely taught was Natural Woman is who you’re supposed to be with and if you’re with anybody else you’re going to be out of this

Household and out of this family and their relationship has caused a stir with loved ones the main misconception that people have is that he’s gay I was very apprehensive right I didn’t know that he was hoping to having a relationship with the trans girl I’m Jesse and this is my partner

Cassidy who’s a trans woman Jesse and I met off of Instagram the first thing I saw was muscles and so I was like okay I actually messaged her and I let her know that she’s beautiful we were about three or four messages in and she said hey I

Just want to let you know that you know I’m sorry if it changes the dynamic of things but I’m a trans woman and I said no no no sweetheart you don’t have to apologize for that you’re just a special kind of woman it was a beautiful moment and we kicked it off ever

Since we faced a lot of judgment when we started our relationship I think the main misconception that people have with our relationship is that he’s gay I’ve received the whole load of hate comments being like you’ll never be a woman how how dare you a lot of religious comments too about how I

Should kill myself and you’re going to hell this one says sir lipstick and heels doesn’t make you a woman you can’t change biology you can’t change chromosomes you are just an insecure guy who didn’t accept his body so you did plastic surgery keep living in your fantasy it definitely gets to me

Sometimes but I can’t let it affect my day because I’m used to it at the beginning of it I couldn’t help but think it was my fault for all the backlash that jelie was receiving but we persevered through everything and it was something that really made us stronger my upbringing

Was probably a little more intense than the most I was brought up around a very masculine family very toxic masculinity household I was always taught to act out be the tough guy Natural Woman is who you’re supposed to be with and that’s it and if you’re with anybody else if

You’re gay if you’re ever with a trans girl you’re going to be out of this household and out of this family my friends and family at first they were shocked because the alpha masculine tatted up male is now dating a transgender woman my family was worried about their reputation not mine

The whole entire world is going to know my son’s gay he’s dating a trans girl so we’re going to FaceTime Jordan right now this is a best friend of mine who’s been through with me through all points of my life so we’re going to call

And see what he has to say because he was reluctant on our relationship in the beginning Jordan what’s up what’s up brother how you doing so I wanted to ask you a couple questions about my relationship because I know it’s it’s been a lot how did you first feel

About hearing that I was dating a woman like Cassidy that’s trans I was you know definitely a little uh shocked and apprehensive it got blown up back here at home and uh you know knowing you my whole life I didn’t know that you know I

Didn’t see that one of one of the first things that probably came out was probably he’s gay people definitely have that that perspective on it I was just very much conf confused I was confused too cassid educated me and said no no no honey you’re straight I’m don’t you look

At me like a woman I said yeah she’s like so where do you find the word gay and that’s when I realized yeah I’m not gay at all I’m I’m an alpha male that’s attracted to femininity and that’s exactly what I got right here what was your first impression of

Hearing that Jesse was dating a trans girl uh I didn’t know that he was hoping to having a relationship with the Trans girl so it was definitely it was shocking to me at first it was new for all of us but when I saw how happy Jesse

Was that it all all my transgressions went out the window yeah and I realized it doesn’t matter to me it’s what makes Jesse happy I really appreciate you Jordan for seeing me as I am and not what other people say about me and what other people project on to me

Like I said Jesse’s happiness is what matters to me awesome Jordan you’re the best hey brother I appreciate you you know I love you since day one and uh ain’t nothing ever going to change over here no doubt I love you to byebye it’s been amazing seeing my best

Friends eventually come around and my mother and some of my uncles and aunts it’s it’s truly amaz I’ve never had that you know somebody’s family give me that type of love and appreciation before I always knew I was a woman I started transitioning when I was

14 and at that time it was not spoken about and I had to do it in the safety and the privacy of my my room my bedroom and that was the only time when I got to be myself I have found it definitely hard to date as a trans woman

Guys most of the time I don’t think is ready to put that out there in the world where it’s something that they or their family sees as taboo or something that’s non-traditional and it’s been really hard to go through that my family reacted to the relationship I think more

Cautious than anything from what I’ve dealt with in the past relationships with abuse and Trauma they were scared they were nervous they saw his pictures they were like oh God tatted up you know biker they were like Cassidy what are you doing I was like no like you have to

Meet him like you have to you know see him and feel his energy Cassidy’s changed my life for the better because she is slowly helping remove the hate that’s been instilled in me since a kid just knowing that I have somebody that fully supports me no

Matter what I do he’s always there for me our message is don’t be scared to embrace who you love because if I was still scared to let it out to this world I would be hiding everything that is so beautiful about us but instead I let it out there throughout our hardships and

Throughout us being judged so much in our relationships we want to show that it’s still possible to live a happy relationship and not even care about what people think

Author Video Description


WHEN Jesse slid into Cassidy’s DMs, the pair hit it off and quickly fell in love, but not everyone was happy with their relationship. Cassidy is a trans woman and it’s something that Jesse’s friends and family struggled with. Jesse explained to Love Don’t Judge: “I was brought up around a very masculine family. One thing I was definitely taught was that a natural woman is who you’re supposed to be with – and if you’re with anybody else, if you’re gay, if you’re ever with a trans girl, you’re going to be out of this family.” Online, the couple often receive trolling, with Cassidy admitting: “I’ve received a whole lot of hate comments being like, ‘You’ll never be a real woman'”. In this episode, we’ll see Jesse’s friend, Jordan, reveal how he really felt when they got together. Speaking to the duo, he admitted: “I was very apprehensive and shocked.” Keen to share their love with the world, Jesse said: “Our message is, don’t be scared to embrace who you love.”

Follow the couple here:

00:00 – How we met
01:19 – Negative opinions of our relationship
02:24 -Jesse’s upbringing
03:18 – Speaking to Jesse’s friend
05:32 – Cassidy’s upbringing
07:10 – We have each other

Videographer: Carlos de Varona
Producers: Kathryn Lewsey, Yasmin Walker, Shania Manderson
Editor: Reuben Yarwood

If you have an amazing story and want to appear on the show, please email [email protected] and the team will be in touch!

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Video “I'm Trans & My Alpha-Male Boyfriend Is Hated For It | LOVE DON'T JUDGE” was uploaded on 01/21/2024 to Youtube Channel truly