“My Sister Eileen” is a charming comedy film released in 1942, following the adventures of two sisters from rural Idaho who set out to take on the big city of New York. Ruth played by Rosalind Russell and Eileen Sherwood played by Janet Blair are determined to make it big in the world of journalism and acting, respectively.
The film, directed by Alexander Hall, is a delightful tale of sisterly bonds, big dreams, and the challenges that come with pursuing a career in the bustling metropolis. The screenplay for this adaptation was written by Joseph A. Fields and Jerome Chodorov.
As the sisters navigate their way through the city, they encounter a colorful cast of characters who add to the humor and excitement of their journey. The witty banter between Russell and Blair adds depth to their characters, making them endearing and relatable to audiences.
With its witty dialogue, entertaining plot, and heartwarming moments, “My Sister Eileen” is a classic Hollywood film that continues to resonate with viewers to this day. Russell and Blair’s dynamic performances, coupled with Hall’s direction and Fields and Chodorov’s screenplay, make this film a must-see for fans of vintage cinema.
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Video “My Sister Eileen (1942) | FREE MOVIE (Rosalind Russell, Janet Blair)” was uploaded on 12/06/2024 to Youtube Channel Stream City
Who doesn't love Rosalind Russell?
I turned it off twice thinking it was too silly but gave it a chance. It’s a cute little watch. Thank you
Ever since she was in an episode of the quiz 'What's My Line' making a throat-cutting gesture to the jury, I adore Ross Russell. Her further appearances are rare, in YouTube, but I found three other full movies. As I only saw her in the comedy 'Auntie Mame' so far, I'm going to sit for this one!
Wonderfully done in a tiny set like the Honeymooners-but with Three or five Stooges!
Love the victory roll hair styles that were so popular during the war. Each star wore them through the film. It was patriotic to wear them. Ros' had the infinity bang. I used to be a hairdresser and did so many for clients for holidays and celebrations.
LOL silly sweet
Another excellent movie starring Rosalind Russell is "Where Angels go Trouble Follows".
Ohmagoodness!!! The 3 stooges came up through the floor. Wonderful movie!!!! (Except the merchant marine part).
That is entertainment really good.
Anything with Arnold Stang in ought to be Good 😅
New sub. Thank you for posting. VERY ENTERTAINING. Saw this version back in the 50s, when it was first sold to TV. Could not wait to get my first job in NYC.Great supporting players: George Tobias, Allyn Joslyn, Roland Mcbride. Thank you, Mr.Cohn for buying the play for the screen.
What a funny ending!😂
Might be a good old movie, but I refuse to stare at your logo. …bye!
Screwball comedy at it's finest.
I am a better person for having watched this movie! All the way through it was fantastic. Love the surprise ending!
👍👍👍. Defines zany!
Outstanding news fans. If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Ephesians 2:8 Do you fear death? Jesus died for you, repent and believe.
Sisters 👯♀️ Ruth: Yeah 👍