Myke Towers Shocks Rockstar Energy Myke Check Winner GiL | Billboard News – Video

Myke Towers Shocks Rockstar Energy Myke Check Winner GiL | Billboard News – Video

Myke Towers Surprises Rockstar Energy Myke Check Winner GiL | Billboard News

In the recent video released by Billboard, Myke Towers surprised Rockstar Energy Myke Check winner Jill Marie, also known as Jill Villa. The rising artist had won a contest to open for her musical idol on tour, but little did she know that she would also be spending time with him in a recording studio in Miami. Myke Towers, the global Latin superstar, shocked Jill with his appearance and opened up about his partnership with Rockstar Energy. Jill was expecting an interview with Billboard, but instead, she got to hang out with her idol and receive valuable advice on making it in the music industry.

The video captured the moment when Jill showcased her talent by singing one of her new songs in the recording studio, impressing both Myke Towers and the viewers. To top off the memorable experience, the duo toasted with a can of Rockstar Focus before Myke Towers left Jill with some final words of wisdom. The heartwarming surprise and collaboration between the two artists left fans excited and inspired. For more details on the Rockstar Energy presents Myke Check con Myke Towers contest, visit

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Video “Myke Towers Surprises Rockstar Energy Myke Check Winner GiL | Billboard News” was uploaded on 04/17/2024 to Youtube Channel Billboard