NAACP President declares, ‘I am here to fulfill my duties as a Black professional,’ at DNC

NAACP President declares, ‘I am here to fulfill my duties as a Black professional,’ at DNC

NAACP President Derrick Johnson took the stage at the Democratic National Convention with a powerful message addressing recent comments made by President Trump. Johnson opened his remarks by stating, “I’m here to do my Black job,” in direct response to Trump’s controversial statement about the importance of doing “black jobs” during a recent visit to North Carolina.

The NAACP president’s statement served as a powerful rebuttal to Trump’s remarks, highlighting the ongoing fight for racial equality and justice in America. Johnson’s words resonated with the audience, emphasizing the need for continued advocacy and action to combat systemic racism and discrimination.

Melanie Campbell, president and CEO of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, also spoke at the convention, highlighting the significant role of Black women in shaping the political landscape. Campbell emphasized that Vice President Kamala Harris’ path to nomination was paved by the tireless efforts of Black women across the country.

The speeches by Johnson and Campbell underscored the importance of unity and mobilization within the Black community, particularly as the 2024 election approaches. Their messages served as a call to action for voters to support candidates who prioritize racial justice and equality.

As the DNC continues to showcase diverse voices and perspectives, the remarks by NAACP President Derrick Johnson and Melanie Campbell shed light on the ongoing struggle for civil rights and the vital role of Black Americans in shaping the future of our country.

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Video “‘I’m here to do my Black job,’ NAACP president says at DNC” was uploaded on 08/20/2024 to Youtube Channel NBC News