Netanyahu’s morally bankrupt speech at the UN likened to a ‘broken record’ by Marwan Bishara

Netanyahu’s morally bankrupt speech at the UN likened to a ‘broken record’ by Marwan Bishara

In a recent speech at the UN General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered what has been described as a “morally bankrupt” address by Al Jazeera’s senior political analyst Marwan Bishara.

The UN General Assembly recently passed a resolution calling on Israel to end its illegal occupation of Palestinian territories within a year. Bishara highlights the broader implications of this resolution, emphasizing that Palestinians have the right to resist their occupiers, as supported by an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Bishara goes on to suggest that Israel’s claim to self-defense is actually a defense of its apartheid system and dispossession of Palestinians, many of whom have been displaced for eight decades. He argues that the US administration has empowered Israel by equating Hamas’ recent attack with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, providing political and military support to shield Israel from international accountability.

Netanyahu’s speech, according to Bishara, seemed to echo past rhetoric and lack any real substance or progress towards resolving the ongoing conflict in the region. With Netanyahu’s continual defense of Israel’s actions, Bishara likens the Prime Minister to a ‘broken record’, repeating the same tired justifications for Israel’s actions in Palestinian territories.

Overall, Bishara’s analysis sheds light on the complexities and injustices of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, highlighting the need for international accountability and a genuine effort towards peace in the region.

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Video “Netanyahu, like a ‘broken record’, delivers morally bankrupt speech at the UN: Marwan Bishara” was uploaded on 09/27/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English