Netanyahu’s Visit to Washington: Appealing to a Home Audience?

Netanyahu’s Visit to Washington: Appealing to a Home Audience?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is currently in Washington, where he is set to deliver a pivotal speech to the US Congress. The timing of his visit is significant, as tensions have been high between Israel and its main military supporter, the United States, particularly in light of the recent conflict in Gaza.

However, amidst the backdrop of US domestic political issues, France 24’s Rob Parsons suggests that Netanyahu’s primary focus will be on the domestic audience back in Israel. The Prime Minister has faced intense criticism in his home country, and this visit to Washington presents an opportunity for him to improve his image and gain support.

The speech to Congress is expected to touch on crucial issues facing Israel, such as security concerns and the ongoing peace process with Palestine. Netanyahu will likely use this platform to reaffirm Israel’s strong ties with the US and highlight the importance of their partnership.

As Netanyahu navigates the complex dynamics of international relations, his ultimate goal remains winning over the hearts and minds of the Israeli public. While the visit to Washington may have global implications, it is clear that the Prime Minister’s focus is on making a positive impression at home.

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Video “Netanyahu in Washington: A foreign visit for a domestic audience? • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 07/24/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English