Newsom stands up for Biden, says handling Obama’s schedule was impossible

Newsom stands up for Biden, says handling Obama’s schedule was impossible

California Governor Gavin Newsom recently came to the defense of President Joe Biden after concerns were raised about his health following an incident at a Hollywood fundraiser where former President Barack Obama assisted him offstage. Newsom dismissed the criticism, stating that Biden had just returned from the G7 summit and barely slept, making it impossible for anyone to keep up with his demanding schedule.

The White House also denounced the circulation of clips from the event as “cheap fakes,” pushing back against any implications of Biden’s incapacity. Newsom’s comments highlight the challenges faced by public figures like Biden, who must juggle grueling schedules and intense scrutiny.

Despite the criticism, Newsom’s defense of Biden serves as a reminder that leading a nation is no easy task, and it requires a great deal of resilience and strength. The incident also underscores the importance of supporting and understanding the demands placed on those in leadership positions. As Newsom aptly put it, “No one could have kept that schedule.”

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Video “Newsom defends Biden over Obama arm grab: ‘No one could’ handle that schedule” was uploaded on 06/28/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post