Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra are celebrating a special milestone in their relationship – their six year engagement anniversary. The singer took to social media to share a sweet tribute to his wife, along with a never before seen photo from their 2018 proposal.
In the heartfelt post, Nick expressed his love and gratitude for Priyanka, thanking her for being his rock and his guiding light. The couple tied the knot in a lavish ceremony in India in December 2018, and have been inseparable ever since.
Fans of the pair were touched by Nick’s tribute, with many commenting on how adorable and inspirational their love story is. It’s clear that the Jonas-Chopra union is a match made in heaven, and their anniversary celebrations are a testament to the strength and love they share.
As they continue to dazzle on red carpets and social media alike, Nick and Priyanka prove time and time again that they are ultimate couple goals. Here’s to many more years of love and happiness for the happy duo!
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Video “Nick Jonas Pays Tribute to Wife Priyanka Chopra on Their Six Year Engagement Anniversary” was uploaded on 07/21/2024 to Youtube Channel E! News
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