Nigeria Protests Enter Third Day as Security Forces Kill 13, Rights Group Reports

Nigeria Protests Enter Third Day as Security Forces Kill 13, Rights Group Reports

Protests over economic hardship in Nigeria have entered their third day, with reports indicating that security forces have killed at least 13 people. Nigerian police were seen firing shots in the air to disperse crowds in the capital city of Abuja on Friday, as demonstrated in a video released by rights group Amnesty International.

The protests, which have been organized in response to the government’s handling of the economic crisis in the country, have grown increasingly violent as security forces clash with demonstrators. Reports from Amnesty International suggest that at least 13 people have been killed during the protests, with many more injured or arrested.

Critics of the government have accused officials of using excessive force to suppress the protests, with videos circulating on social media showing scenes of police officers firing tear gas and using batons on unarmed civilians. The government has defended its actions, claiming that it is necessary to maintain law and order in the face of growing unrest.

The protests highlight the frustration and anger felt by many Nigerians over the country’s deteriorating economic situation, which has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Unemployment levels have risen sharply, while inflation and food prices have soared, putting immense pressure on the population.

As the protests continue and tensions escalate, there are concerns about the possibility of further violence and repression. Human rights organizations are calling on the Nigerian government to respect the right to peaceful protest and ensure the safety and well-being of all citizens.

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Video “Rights group says security forces have killed 13 as Nigeria protests over hardship enter a third day” was uploaded on 08/03/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English