After months of recovering from a serious accident, the adventurous and resilient Itchy Boots is back and ready to hit the road once again. In this highly anticipated episode, viewers will finally learn which motorcycle she has chosen to ride for her new adventures around the world.
Nobody expected her to choose this motorcycle, adding an element of surprise and intrigue to the new season. With a passion for exploration and a fearless spirit, Itchy Boots continues to inspire viewers with her determination and love for adventure.
For those looking to learn how to capture their own solo motorcycle journeys, Itchy Boots offers tips and techniques on how to use drones, GoPros, and 360 cameras on her academy website. From getting drone shots while riding to filming stunning landscapes, Itchy Boots shares her expertise to help others document their own thrilling escapades on two wheels.
Stay tuned to follow Itchy Boots on her latest journey and be inspired to embark on your own adventures, no matter where the road may lead.
Watch the video by Itchy Boots
Video “Nobody expected me to choose this motorcycle to ride around the world | S8, EP01” was uploaded on 09/29/2024 to Youtube Channel Itchy Boots
NORALY IS BACK!!!. I just found you today, I miss you so much… from México, let´s go !!
Nonchalant on the german autobahn! And a video is also recorded on the side. No matter where she is in the world, this woman has an incredible amount of faith in God 😅
Really I enjoy the video specialy I feel your emotions about the new bike ❤❤❤
YAMAHA are thé best
انتي رائعه تحيه لك من بابل
Looking forward to yet another exciting adventure trip 🙂
I always enjoy watching your videos ❤
Excellent presentation, be safe enjoy your travels.
The tour they took you on was also a great display of customer service, as the bike proved to run all day without a flaw.
Thank you Noraly for taking us on a wonderful ride on your new machine. I was waiting the whole time to see the pizza! LOL. Safe travels.😀
I'd rather you travel by car for now. Much safer and convenient for you. Or make it a switchable adventure–a couple of months by bike, and then car for the next few months.
Are you wearing internal padding? Good.
A very clean and cozy town, that.
Noraly, I'm so happy to see you up and on bike once more, thank God my prayers were answered. Wishing you all the best in all your future endeavours.
Lindsey and Greg Foreman… Holiday bikers on holiday IRAN… KIDNAPPED BY IRAN. Happy travel and laughs Itchy!
Great bikes. The 1VJ runs a little richer that later 600E models. Which makes for a smoother running engine and better ride. 😊
@ItchyBoots the wife and I had the same thinking as you. We bought an 85 GMC 3500 4×4 van. We don't care how much money we have to spend to keep it going. We are almost ready to start traveling and doing the Youtube thing like you. This van is amazing and we aren't even close to finishing it yet. It already has more bells and whistles than any other van I've ever seen.
Omg!! That’s is so cool!! I bet it was built with love, sounds great !! I’m watching this filling in the blanks? Bet it has great suspension and I’m wondering if it is carbureted or fuel injected? Looks like an old XT or TT 600? But not sure where the rear fender is from but I love it!! Can’t wait for your new adventure!! Good luck😎✌️❤☘️
Have I missed something? The new bike appears not to have a speedometer?
weird to list(in pictures) the KLR as one of the bikes that is too heavy to be chosen, when it is actually about 10kg lighter(only 153kg dry) than your Tenere… plus it hasn't changed in like 30 years so it would be easy to find parts and fix it,it's very simplistic, and it's also very reliable.
The first few videos I watch (Started on S8) I thought you were telling people you were from London. Once you registered the bike in the Netherlands I figured that was wrong. I figured out you were saying Netherlands in Arabic. Loving your channel!
what about broken tablet. maybe screen folder replacement should be better than buying a new tablet for motorcycle?
hi ive been watching ur channel since the last few days after discovered it and i love your content so much! however i have one question tho, ur red honda crf looks like a big bike and i always see u kinda like making a little hop to get on, I'm not very tall and was wondering if it will be suitable for me, I'm only 164cm tall, how tall are you?
I love your enthusiasm energy positive thinking ❤
Lady in the window showing which way they went. 😂 So German. Observers everywhere
Finally Noraly gets a proper motorcycle.
What a bike.
Don't you find that bike a bit noisy?
Hi Noraly, welk merk navigatie gebruik je die helaas is gesneuveld?
I'm from Philippines 🇵🇭 watching ❤❤❤
Excellent choice for a bike! For many reasons.
she is so damn cute 😍
My new bestie needs a name!! And I need your help, so please leave me your name suggestion in the comments!!