Oh, what a delicious treat! Snickers cookies! You will be delighted!
– 180 g of flour
– 1 tsp of baking powder
– pinch of salt
– 100 g of butter
– 30 g of powdered sugar
– 1 egg
– 150 g of sugar
– 20 g of butter
– 150 g of 33% cream
– 100 g of peanuts
– pinch of salt
– 80 g of chocolate
– 1 tsp of vegetable oil
Bake at 180°C (356~°F) for 20 minutes.
Watch the video by Ellen’s Kitchen
Video “Ох какая вкуснятина! Печенье Сникерс! Вы будете в восторге!” was uploaded on 09/26/2024 to Youtube Channel Ellen’s Kitchen
بسكويت الفول السوداني الشهى سوف اجربه لاحقاً تسلم يديك ❤❤
Maravilhoso 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Maria Eliza Magé RJ bom dia
تسلم ايدك ياقلبي ❤❤❤❤❤❤
✅Like 190 guzel paylaşim icin tesekkurler🔔
Просто супер,то ,что надо 🎉😊
Takie wspaniałe ciasteczka są niezwykle imponujące, na kruchym cieście,karmel z orzechami i efektowne polane czekoladą,to zachwyca swoim wyglądem i wybornym smakiem.👍🌹🥰❤️
شكرا على هذه الوصفة،لكن هل الفول السوداني محمص
واوووووووووو حاقوم اعملها تجنن❤❤😂
Yes please 😊😊😊😊
Another lovely cookies… thanks 🙏 watching from Iran ❤️
I watched your video 2 times, and i would like to make it for my grandchildren.
Well, they are not going to eat everything in one day. Is it OK if i store the rest of it in the freezer?
Thank you ❤
Быстро,понятно и ничего лишнего,всё как я люблю😊 Спасибо за идею, обязательно сделаю , успехов вам!
Thank you ❤💋
🤗легко, быстро, вкусно 😋👍
An excellent idea , thank you for sharing with us. What is the size of the dough after rolling ?
How thick is the dough, please? And what is the size of the dough after rolling ? Thank you for the great recepi, you are a great cook.
Bravo oum samir ❤❤❤je vous suis de puis lentend merci pour votre recettes❤❤❤