Ontario Family Without Housing Ordered to Vacate Campground Site in Peterborough

Ontario Family Without Housing Ordered to Vacate Campground Site in Peterborough

A family struggling with homelessness in Peterborough, Ontario has faced another setback as they have been ordered to leave the campground where they have been staying. Shanna Miller, her husband, and three children have been living at Beavermead Campground since May 10, paying for their campsite as they searched for affordable housing. Miller explained that due to severe medical conditions and previously unsafe living conditions, the family had no other choice but to pitch their tents at the campground.

Despite their efforts to secure stable housing, Miller expressed her frustration at the lack of available options in the city. She mentioned that it has been a year-long struggle to find a suitable place for her family to live, and the campground was their only temporary solution. With their extended stay paid for, the family was shocked to receive an order to leave the site.

As the family faces uncertainty once again, the community has been made aware of their plight. Global’s Robert Lothian reported on the situation, shedding light on the challenges that homeless families like the Millers face in finding safe and affordable housing. The issue of homelessness and lack of resources for vulnerable families in Ontario continues to be a pressing concern that requires attention and action from authorities.

For more information on this story, you can visit Global News’ website. The struggle of the Miller family serves as a reminder of the ongoing housing crisis in Ontario, and the need for support and solutions to ensure that no family is left without a place to call home.

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Video “Unhoused Ontario family paying for campground site in Peterborough ordered to leave” was uploaded on 06/22/2024 to Youtube Channel Global News